IEEE 1584-2002 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1584-2002 pdf download IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations-Amendment
4.Analysis process
An arc-flash hazard analysis should be performed in association with or as a continuation of the short-circuitstudy and protective-device coordination study, The process and methodology of calculating short-circuitcurrents and performing protective-device coordination is covered in lEEE Std 141-1993 (1EEE RedBookrm) and IEEE Std 242-2001 (IEEE Buff BookTM), respectively, Results of the short-circuit study areused to determine the fault current momentary duty, interrupting rating, and shor-circuit (withstand) ratingof electrical equipment, Results of the protective-device coordination study are used to determine the timerequired for electrical circuit protective devices to isolate overload or short-circuit conditions. Results ofhoth short-circuit and protective-device coordination studies provide information needed to perform an arcflash hazard analysis. Results of the arc-flash hazard analysis are used to identify the flash-protectionboundary and the incident energy at assigned working distances throughout any position or level in theoverall electrical generation, transmission, distribution or urilization system.
4.1 Cautions and disclaimers
As an IEEE guide, this document suggests approaches for conducting an arc-flash hazard analysis but doesnot have mandatory requirements. Following the suggestions in this guide does not guarantee safety, andusers should take all reasonable, independent steps necessary to minimize risks from arc flashes.
Users should be aware that the models in this guide are based upon measured arc current incident energunder a specifc set of test conditions and on theoretical work. Distances, which are the basis for equations.are based on the measured distance of the test instrument from the arc-flash point source. These models wilenable users to calculate the estimated maximum incident energy and the estimated arc-fash boundarydistance. Real arc exposures may be more or less severe than indicated by these models.
This document is intended to provide guidance for the calculation of incident energy and arc-flash protectionboundaries. Once calculated, this information can be used as a basis to develop strategies that have the goaof minimizing burn injuries. Strategies include specifying the rating of personal protective equipment (PPE).working deenergized,applying arc-resistant Switchgear, and following other engineering techniques andwork practices.
This guide is based upon testing and analysis of the hazard presented by incident energy. The potentiallyhazardous effects of molten metal splatter, projectiles, pressure impulses, and toxic arc by-products have notbeen considered in these methods. lt is expected that future work will provide guidance for these otherelectrical hazards.
Available bolted fault currents should be determined at the point of each potential fault, Do not use overlyconservative bolted fault current values. A conservatively hiph value may result in lower calculated incidentenergy than may actually be possible depending on the protective device’s time-current response. The lowerresults would be caused by using a faster time-current response value from the protective device’s timecurtent curve
Where used, PPE for the arc-flash hazard is the last line of defense. The protection is not intended to preventall injuries but to mitigate the impact of an arc fash upon the individual, should one occur. In many casesthe use of PPE has saved lives or prevented injury. The calculations in this guide will lead to selection of alevel of PPE that is a balance between the calculated estimated incident energy exposure and the workactivity being performed while meeting the following concerns.
aThe desire to provide enough protection to prevent a second degree burn in all cases.
6)The desire to avoid providing more protection than is needed. Hazards may be introduced by the gar.
ments such as heat stress, poor visibility, and limited body mmovement.

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