IEEE 1542-2007 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 1542-2007 pdf download IEEE Guide for Installation, Maintenance, and Operation of Irrigation Equipment Located Near or Under Power Lines
1.1 Scope
The guide is based on industry practices and presents guidelines for installation, maintenance, andoperation of irrigation equipment near or under power lines as they pertain to minimum distance toenergized conductors and proper grounding to minimize nuisance shocks. The guide covers a variety ofconditions in general terms. Specific recommendations are made for the type of irrigation systems andpower line parameters most commonly found.
1.2 Purpose
The guide is intended for designers, installers, and operators of the irrigation equipment, as well as electricpower utilities whose lines are located near or above the irrigation systems. General information isprovided on installation, maintenance, and operation of irrigation equipment as it relates to safety due to thepresence of electric power lines. The following parameters are considered:
Distance to energized conductors during installation
Proper grounding to minimize nuisance shocks
istance between irrigation nozzle and power line conductors during operation of the irigation)system
The recommended minimum conductor-to-nozzle distance is based on the maximum allowable bodyleakage current of 5 mA rms and field tests conducted by the Nebraska Public Power District and theUSDA Agricultural Research Service, University of Nebraska.
Because of the great variety of conditions, practices, electrical system designs, types of irrigation systemswater conductivity. and ground resistance values, this guide covers these variables only in general terms.However, specific recommendations are made for the type of irrigation system and power line parametersthat are most representative in the industry. The IEEE makes no representation or warranty as to theadequacy or accuracy of the information in this guide or as to economy, or safety issues associated with the use of this guide. When determining whether or not, and/or how, to use the information in this guide, allfactors shall be considered with regard to the specific situation(s).
This material is intended to provide a helpful reference for those seeking information on common industrypractices so they may consider the experience of others in developing or modifying their own practices.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they mustbe understood and used. so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document isexplained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
Accredited Standards Committee C2-2002, National Electrical Safety Code” (NESC%-Part 4: Rules forthe Operation of Electric Supply and Communications Lines and Equipment.
For the purposes of this guide, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary ojIEEE Standards Terms (B4] should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.
3.1 ground resistance: The resistance of the irrigation system to earth, determined by a groundingelectrode or by the contact of the irrigation equipment with the earth, or both.
3.2 irrigation equipment: Structures, pipes, nozzles, valves, etc., that support, convey, direct, or controlwater or other equipment in an irrigation system.
3.3 irrigation system: An arrangement of equipment including a water supply that is assembled tosystematically apply irrigation to an area.
3.4 leakage current: A component of the power line current that flows to earth via a water stream or sprathat is contacting the power line.

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