IEEE 1522-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1522-2004 pdf download IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Testability and Diagnosability Characteristics and Metrics
This standard was developed by the Diagnostic and Maintenance Control (D&MC) subcommittee of theEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 (SCC20) on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems toprovide standard, unambiguous definitions of testability and diagnosability metrics and characteristics. Thisstandard builds on fundamental definitions derived from elements in formal information models related totest and diagnosis defined in IEEE Std 1232TM_2002.
The goals of this standard are summarized as follows:
Provide definitions of testability and diagnosability characteristics and metrics that are independentof specific test and diagnosis technologies.
Provide definitions of testability and diagnosability characteristics and metrics that are independentof specific “system under test” technologies.
Provide unambiguous definitions of testability and diagnosability metrics used by procurement andsupport organizations.
Over a century ago, Lord Kelvin commented: “When you can measure what you are speaking about andexpress it in numbers, you know something about it; and when you cannot measure it, you cannot express itin numbers. vour knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind. It may be the beginning of knowledge.but vou are scarcely in vour thought advanced to the stage of a science.” To add to Lord Kelvin’s insight.when different tools measure something differently, and the basis for the measurement is not known orunderstood. it is neither knowledge nor science.
It is the objcctive of this standard to provide precise formal definitions of etrics that may be used to predictthe testability of a system. Predictive metrics may be used iteratively during various phases of design anddiagnostic development to map the progress toward a project’s testability goals. On the other hand.empirical metrics are dered from actual maintenance data to determine the testability achieved during thefactory and field testing of a system.
It is the intent of this standard that predictive testability and diagnosability metrics be defined based onEEE Std 1232-2002. Where entities are required that have not been defined in these information modelsthis standard will provide its own information model in the form of an AI-ESTATE cxtension to satisfy thcdeficiency. It is not the intent of this standard to impose any implementation-specific requirements foractually computing the metrics: however, metrics not computed using the identified standard informationmodels must be demonstrated to be mathematically equivalent to the definitions provided. Furthermoremetrics defined in this standard are based on the assumption that no more than a single independent faultexists at the time of diagnostics. Multiple fault mctrics are outside the scope of this standard because of alack of industry consensus as to how those metrics should be calculated
1.1 Scope
This standard defines technology-independent testability and diagnosability characteristics and metricsparticularly those based on relevant standard information models, including standard AI-ESTATEinformation models.
1.2 Purpose
This standard will provide consistent, unambiguous definitions of testability and diagnosabilitycharacteristics and metrics. As a result, a common basis for system testability and diagnosability assessmentwill be provided.
1.3 Conventions used in this standard
The subclauses present specification formats using the EXPRESS language (ISO 10303-11:1994). Allspecifications in the EXPRESS language are given in the Courier type font, which includes references toentity and attribute names in the supporting text.
This standard uses the vocabulary and definitions of relevant IEEE standards. In case of conflict ofdefinitions, except for those portions quoted from standards, the following precedence shall be observed:1) Clause 3: (2) SCC20 documentation and standards; and 3) The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEEStandards Terms, seventh edition (B4]. For clarity, portions of IEEE Std 1232-2002 are repeated in thisstandard. In the event of revision to Al-ESTATE, the current, approved version of IEEE Std 1232-2002takes precedence.

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