IEEE 1516-3-2003 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for High Level Architecture (HLA) Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP)
1.1 Scope
This recommended practice defines the processes and procedures that should be followed by users of theHigh Level Architecture (HLA) to develop and execute federations. It is not intended to replace low-levemanagement and systems engineering practices native to HLA user organizations, but is rather intended as ahigher-level framework into which such practices can be integrated and tailored for specific uses.
1.2 Purpose
The HLA has been designed to be applicable across a wide range of functional applications. The purpose ofthis architecture is to facilitate interoperability among simulations and promote reuse of simulations andtheir components.
A named set of applications (e.g, simulations, loggers, viewers) interacting via the services of the HLAruntime infrastructure (RTI) in accordance with a common rule set and a common HLA Object Model (OM)is known as an HLA federation. The purpose of this recommended practice is to describe a high-level process by which HLA federations can be developed and executed to meet the needs of a federation user orsponsor. It is expected that the guidelines provided in this recommended practice are generally relevant toand can facilitate the development of most HLA federations.
The three specifications that together compose the HLA provide the technical foundation for designing anddeveloping all HLA federations. These specifications are described in the following documents:
HLAIEEE1516 version
IEEE Std 1516M-2000,EEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture(HLA)–Framework and Rules.l, 2
IEEE Std 1516.1TM-2000. EEE Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture(HLA)Federate Interface Specification.
HLA Version 1.33
High-Level Architecture Rules, Version 1.3, U. S. Department of Defense, Apr. 1998.
A set of ten basic rules that together describe the general principles defining the HLA.
High Level Architecture Interface Specification, Version 1.3, U. S. Department of Defense, Apr. 1998.A description ofthe functional interface between simulations (federates) and the HLA RTL
High-Level Architecture Object Model Template (OMT) Specification, Version 1.3, U. S. Department ofDefense,Apr.1998.
A specification of the common format and structure for documenting HLA OMs.
3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
The following terms and definitions, as drawn from the IEEE 1516 series of HLA specifications and otherrelevant sources (see Annex A–Bibliography), shall apply throughout this recommended practice.
3.1.1 conceptual model: An abstraction of the real world that serves as a frame of reference for federatiordevelopment by documenting simulation-neutral views of important entities and their key actions and interactions. The federation conceptual model describes what the federation will represent, the assumptions limiting those representations, and other capabilities needed to satisfy the user’s requirements. Federationconceptual models are bridges between the real world, requirements, and design.
3.1.2 federate: An application that may be or is currently coupled with other software applications under aFederation Object Model Document Data/Federation Execution Data (FDD/FED) and a runtime infrastruc·ture (RTI). This may include federation managers, data collectors, real world (“live”) systems (e.g., C4I sys.tems, instrumented ranges, sensors), simulations, passive viewers, and other utilities.
3.1.3 federation: A named set of federate applications and a common Federation Object Model (FOM) thatare used as a whole to achieve some specific objective.
3,1.4 Federation Object Model (FOM): A specification defining the information exchanged at runtime toachieve a given set of federation objectives. This includes object classes, object class attributes, interactionclasses, interaction parameters, and other relevant information.
3.1.5 Federation (bject Model (FOM) Document Data (FDD): The data and information in a FOM doc.ument that is used by the Create Federation Execution service to initialize a newly created federation execution. Also called “Federation Execution Dataor “FEDin HLA Version 1.3 specifications.
IEEE 1516-3-2003 pdf download
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