IEEE 1505-2006 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1505-2006 pdf download IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
The scope of this document is the development of a common receiver/fixture interface (RFl) specificationthat is based upon available commercial standards integrated under a common “open architecture. Thismechanical/electrical interface is intended to serve government/commercial interest for applications in test.system integration, manufacturing, monitoring, and other functional requirements that demand large contactdensities and quick-disconnect mechanical operation, A joint technical forum has been operational since1997 under the auspices of the IEEE Std 1505 RFI Working Group and a recently formed industry/govern-ment Common Test Interface (CTI) Working Group.
Readers of this document are encouraged to comment on details unclear, contradictory, or undefined to theIEEE 1505 RFI Working Group or the IEEE Standards Association for review and change. These organizations can be contacted at the locations described in the preface of this document.
As IEEE Std 1505 evolves, additional revisions may be required and reballoted by the IEEE StandardsAssociation, The RFI Working Group serves to encourage vendors to produce same product class types thatare intermatable and interchangeable by adhering to performance specifications of this standard.
The document has been developed in accordance with Institute of Electrical and Electronic EngineersIEEE) Standards Assocation Policies and Procedures per the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws (B23), theEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual B24, the lEEE-SA Standards Companion B25), and theIEEE Standards Stvle Manual B26). Additional guidance and reference was utilized from The AuthoritativeDictionary oflEEE Standard Terms (B15) and S 10TM American National Standard for Use of the Interna:tional System ofUnits (SI): The Modern Metric Svstem (B35].
1.1.1 Annexes overview
Included within this document are two informative annexes: (a) Annex A “Receiver Fixture Interface (RFl)Tutorial, dated 11/1/05.” an overview of the RFI description, background, and application use to inform newusers; and (b) Annex B“Automatic Test System Critical Interfaces Report, dated 9/30/96”B271, the resultsof a study conducted by the Department of Defense Automatic Test System Research and Development Integrated Product Team (ARI) Critical Interface Working Group (CIWG), which reviewed as part of theirtasks the ATS test interface.
1.2 Purpose
he purpose of this standard is to permit interchangeability of mechanica/electrical receiver/fixture/connector product assemblies from various manufacturers under an “open architecture.” To develop within thisframework, a defined set(S) of interconnecting connector and mechanical specifications that supports avail:able, accepted, low-cost commercial technology to reduce dependence on proprietary designs and extendslife-cycle availability. Technical requirements identified by government and industry include maximumflexibility,scalability,and range of application
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document, For dated refer.ences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
ANSI B46 Surface Texture (Surface Roughness Waviness and Lay).
ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 Laboratories, Calibration, and Measuring and Test Equipment.
ASTM A240,ASTM A666,ASTM A693 Steel Plates, Sheets and Strip-Corrosion Resisting.
ASTM A342 Indicator, Permeability,Low-Mu(Go-No Go)
ASTM A484 Steel Products Wrought Stainless and Heat Resisting General Requirements
ASTM A581 Steel Wire Free Machining Stainless and Heat Resistant.
ASTM A582 Free Machining Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars, Hot Rolled or Cold Finished.
ASTM A967,SAE AMS QQ-P-35 Passivation Treatment for Austenitic, Ferritic, and MartensiticCorrosion-Resistant Steel (Fastening Devices).
ASTM B103 Phosphor Bronze Plate, Sheet Strip and Rolled Bar Specification.
ASTM B121/B12M,QQ-B-613 Brass, Leaded/Non-Leaded; Flat Products
ASTM B134 Brass Wire.
ASTM B139,00-B-750 Bronze, Phosphor, Bar, Plate, Rod, Sheet, Strip, Flat Wire, and Structural and Spe-cial Shaped Sections.

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