IEEE 1477-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1477-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard for Passenger Information System for Rail Transit Vehicles
This standard is divided into four clauses, C lause 1 provides the soope of this standard, C lause 2 lists references toother standardls that are usefil in applying this standard.C lause 3 provides defin itions for techn ical term s ueed in thiestandardl.C lauee 4 estab lishes interace standards for four subsysteam s w ith in the paseenger in fom ation systen of railtansitvehicles.
1.1 Scope
This standard app lies to extenal and intenal audiovisual com m unication of passenger infom ation, destination/upin fom ation, and announcem ents related to safety and em egencies, as w ell as advertisem ent/com m un ity infomm ationfor rail tansit vehicles, It specifies the physical, logical, and electrcal interfaces of the paseenger in foim ation systenfor rail transit vehicle system s and subsystem s. This includes the follow ing equ pm ent: passenger in form ation signs,pub lic address system , pasenger/crew call intercom syste , intenal diso lay system , and radio system interface w iththe public address system .
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the standad is to estab lish the m inin um interface requirem ents forpassenger inform ation system s inorder to enable product interchangeability and com ponent com m onality.
his standard is intended to be used n soecitications forthe procure ent of ne railpaseenger vehic es (lnht, heavyand/or com m uter rail vehicles) , t is also intended to be used, as applicab le, in specificatlons for rehab ilitating orretrofitting existing ailpassengervehicles and for replacem ent system s.
This is an interface standard that defines vehicle paseenger infomm ation inteaces but is not intended to specily anym nm um num berofrequired passenger nfom ation features.
The cunent standard covers electrical and physical interfaces, Logical interfaces w ill be addreseed in a future draftEEE Standard forT ransit C om unications Interface Profiles for R ailA pplications.
This standard shall be used in con junction w th the follow ing publications, If the follow ing publications aesuperseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply, In case of a conflict betw een this standad and thereferenoed docum ent, this standad shall take precedence, Those provisions of the referenced docum ents that are notin conflictw ith this standard shall apply as referenoed.
EEE Std 100-1996,EEE Standard D ictionary ofE lecticaland E lecuonics Tem s.
EEE P1473 D raft 3 A, Septem ber 1998), D raft Standard for C om m unications ProtocolA board Trains.
EEE P1476 D aft 3 5, Septem ber 1998),D at Standad for Paseenger T ain A uxiliary Pow er System s Interfaces.
PCM C IA PC Cand standard,Release 61,vols.1-13,M arch 1997.
3.Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
English w ords throuchout this standad are used in acoordance w ith their defin ition in the latest edition of Webster’sNew Collegiate Dictionary B2]’ E lectrical and eleconics tem s that are not defined in Webster’s New CollegiateDictionary are used in aooordance w ith their defintion in EEE Std 100-1996, D efintons for w ords that are notprovided in these tw o publications follow .
3.1.1 basic operating unit: (A) A single vehicle designed for independent operation,(B) A pemm anent or sen ipem anent com bination, designed for independent operaton, consisting of tw o orm ore veh icles of one orm ore types.
3.1.2 consist: The m akeup or com position num berand specific dentiy) of indivualun its on a train
3.1.3 light-emitting diode: A p- jnction solid-state diode, w hoee radiated output is a function of its physicaloonshuction,m aterialused, and exciting cunent.The outputm ay be in the infared or in the visib le regon.W hen ueedas a visible elem ent, the output shallbe lim ited to the visiole region .
3.1.4 liquid crystal display: A disp lay m ade ofm aterialw hose reflectance or tranan itance changes w hen an electrifield is applied.
3.1.5 passenger information ign: A device that disp lays or annunciates transit trip in form ation to passengers3.1.6 stroke width: Ih character ecognition, the distance betw een tw o sanke edges, m easured perpendicular to thesuroke oenterline.

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