IEEE 1476-2000 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1476-2000 pdf download IEEE Standard for Passenger Train Auxiliary Power Systems Interfaces
This standard applies to new procurements or major rehabilitation of rail-transit vehicles occurring on orafter the publication date of this standard. Existing rail-transit vehicles and those vehicles currently beingprocured need not comply except when specifically required by the authority having jurisdiction, Where aneed exists to maintain compatibility with existing rail-transit vehicles and to the extent defined by theauthority having jurisdiction, those portions of this standard in conflict with compatibility requirements neednot be applied.
1.1 Scope
This standard prescribes the electrical interfaces among the components comprising the auxiliary power systems and their electrical interface with other train-borne systems. As such, this standard treats the auxiliarypower system components (e.g., static inverters and converters, low-voltage dc power supplies, back-up battery systems, and battery chargers) as black boxes and addresses only their interface requirements. It doesnot provide standards or recommendations for the following:
Rotating machinery, such as motor alternator sets
Motive power systems or auxiliary power systems required for locomotives
Mechanical mounting or vibration isolation of equipment
Car-body wiring, branch circuits, circuit breakers, protection, and devices to interconnect theauxiliary power components with other car-borne equipment
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to standardize the electrical input and output requirements of the auxiliarypower system components. This will be conducive to standardized designs rather than custom designs of carborne equipment utilizing the supply voltages of the auxiliary power systems. It will also aid in more clearlydefining the electrical interface requirements between the major component parts that comprise the auxiliarpower svstems. thus promoting their standardized design, The combined effect should increase the numberof potential suppliers and correspondingly result in reduced railcar costs.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. If the following publications aresuperseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply. In case of a confict between this standard andthe referenced document, this standard takes precedence. Those provisions of the referenced documents thatare not in conflict with this standard shall apply as referenced.
ANSI C84.1-1995,Electrical Power Systems and Equipment- Voltage Ratings (60 Hz).
IEC 60571 (1998-02), Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles.?
IEC 60850 (1988-03), Supply voltages of traction systems.
IEC 61287-1 (1995-07), Power converters installed on board rolling stock-Part 1: Characteristics and testmethods.
IEEE Std 519-1992,IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in ElectricPower Systems.
IEEE Std 1473-1999,IEEE Standard for Communications Protocol Aboard Trains.
NEMA MG 1-1998,Motors and Generators.
3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standard Dictionaryof Electrical and Electronics Terms B21’ should be referenced for terms not defined in this subclause. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary [B5] shall otherwise apply.

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