IEEE 1475-1999 pdf download IEEE Standard for the Functioning of and Interfaces Among Propulsion, Friction Brake, and Train-borne Master Control on Rail Rapid Transit Vehicles
1. Overview
This standard applies to new procurements or major rehabilitation of rail transit vehicles occurring on or after the effective date of this standard (18 March 1999). Existing rail transit vehicles and those vehicles that are currently being procured need not comply except where specifically required by the authority having jurisdiction. Where a need exists to maintain compatibility with existing rail transit vehicles, those portions of this standard in conflict with the compatibility requirement need not apply.
1.1 Scope This standard prescribes the interface functionality among propulsion, friction brake, and train-borne master control. It encompasses performance parameters, communication methods, and the means for measurement and verification of performance. “Third party” systems performing functions traditionally carried out in one of the above systems are also covered.
1.2 Purpose Numerous functional protocols presently exist for interfaces among train-borne master control, propulsion, friction brake, spin-slide control, etc. This has led to a lack of standardization, compatibility, and inter- changeability, with attendant higher first cost and recurrent integration problems. Standards, when used by vehicle purchasers, carbuilders, and system suppliers, are expected to lower costs, reduce vehicle introduc- tion problems, improve reliability, and facilitate upgrades. Standards will ensure prioritization of safety functionality.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. If the following publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply. In case of a conflict between this standard and the referenced document, this standard shall take precedence. Those provisions of the referenced documents that are not in conflict with this standard shall apply as referenced.
IEEE Std 100-1996, The IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, Sixth Edition. 1
IEEE Std 1473-1999, IEEE Standard for Communication Protocol Aboard Trains.
IEEE P1476/D4.0, 16 April 1999, Interfaces for Passenger Train Auxiliary Power Systems. 2
IEEE P1478/D4.0, 7 April 1999, Environmental Standards for Rail Rapid Transit Electronic Equipment.
IEEE P1482/D699, June 1999, Rail Vehicle Monitoring and Diagnostics Systems.
3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. IEEE Std 100-1996, The IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause. Because the rail transit industry possesses a significant amount of unique terminology, the Urban Public Transportation Glossary [B2] 3 has been utilized as a source for many of the following definitions. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary [B3] has been utilized as a general reference.
3.1.1 actual weight: The measured weight of a finished, ready-to-run vehicle; the tare weight. Synonym: empty weight.
3.1.2 adhesion (coefficient of): During rolling contact, the ratio between the longitudinal tangential force at the wheel-rail/running surface interface and the normal force.
3.1.3 alertness function: A device or system that monitors the operator for signs of incapacitation, usually by requiring movement or response to take place within a prescribed period of time.
3.1.4 authority: A geographical or political division created specifically for the single purpose of providing transportation service. 3.1.5 authority having jurisdiction: The entity that defines the contractual (including specification) requirements for the procurement.
3.1.6 automated guideway transit: Any guided transit mode with fully automated operation (i.e. no crew on the train). The term usually refers, however, only to guided modes with small and medium-sized vehicles that operate on exclusive right-of-way.
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