IEEE 1420.1-1995 pdf download

01-05-2023 comment

IEEE 1420.1-1995 pdf download IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Software Reuse— Data Model for Reuse Library Interoperability: Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM)
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This document describes the Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM) standard as developed by the ReuseLibrary Interoperability Group (RIG).
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the BIDM is to define the minimal set of information about assets that reuse libraries shouldbe able to exchange to support interoperability. Because the BIDM describes a minimal set, other data thatwould be useful for interoperability, including library data model information, is not included in the BIDM.Furthermore, the BIDM does not include communication protocol or related standards. Other RIG standardswill address these aspects of interoperability. More information about the RIG and about some of thesefuture standards is included in annex A.
Important terms used in the BIDM are defined in clause 2. The core of the BIDM standard is contained inclause 3, which includes a description of the meta-model of the BIDM and a definition of the data model forbasic interoperability.
2. Definitions
This clause contains some key terms used in this standard. Other terms are defined in the RIG GlossaryB4].
2.1 asset: (1) The items of interest which are stored in a reuse library, such as design documentation, specifications, source code, documentation, test suites, etc., or any other unit of information of potential value toa reuser (B41.(2) A class in the BIDM. Asset will always be capitalized when referring to the class Asset.
2.2 attribute: A predefined characteristic that provides a property of a class. Properties are inherited from aclass to its subclasses.
2.3 Basic Interoperability Data Model (BIDM): Defines the minimal set of information that reuse librariesshould be able to exchange about assets in order to interoperate.
2.4 class: A grouping of similar objects that have the same structure but potentially different attribute and/orrelationship values.
2.5 class hierarchy: An ordering of classes, in which a subclass is a specialization of its superclass. A classinherits attributes and relationships from its superclass and can define additional attributes and relationshipsof its own.
2.6 library data model: The organizing principles and concepts underlying structured data in a reuse libraryand the means of representing that structure.
2.7 object: A representation of a real-world entity. An object is an instance of a class and has values for theattributes and relationships defined for that class.
28 relationship: An association between two classes.
3. The basic interoperability data model
This clause describes the BIDM developed by the RIG. The principal sources of data for the model were theCommon Data Model defined in the Asset Library Open Architecture Framework (ALOAF) (Bll, theRepository Guidelines and Standards (B3], and the RIG Technical Committee 2 members. Figure 1 gives apictorial overview of the BIDM. The * in figure 1 identifies a local relationship.

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