IEEE 1394-2003 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1394-2003 pdf download IEEE Standard for a High Performance Serial Bus Peer-to-Peer Data Transport Protocol (PPDT) ignored: A keyword that describes bits, bytes, quadlets, octlets, or fields whose values are notchecked by the recipient. may: A keyword that indicates flexibility of choice with no implied preference reserved: A keyword used to describe objects-bits, bytes, quadlets, octlets. and fields-or the codevalues assigned to these obects in cases where either the object or the code value is set aside for future stan-dardization. Usage and interpretation may be specified by future extensions to this or other standards. Areserved object shall be zeroed or, upon development of a future standard, set to a value specified by such astandard. The recipient of a reserved object shall ignore its value. The recipient of an object larger than a bitand defined by this standard as other than reserved shall inspect its value and reject reserved code values. shall: A keyword that indicates a mandatory requirement. Designers are required to implement allsuch mandatory requirements to assure interoperability with other products conforming to this standard. should: A keyword that denotes flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred alternative. Equivalentto the phrase “is recommended.
3.1.2 Technical definitions
The following terms are used in this standard active ORB: From the perspective of an initiator, an operation request block (ORB) in a logical unittask set, i.e., an ORB for which completion status has yet to be stored at the initiator’s staTUS_FIFO. Fromthe perspective of a logical unit, an ORB for which the logical unit maintains execution context. active queue: A queue, created as part of a connection, for which target resources are allocated andinto which an initiator is permitted to signal ORBs. A queue remains active from its creation until it is shutdown. blocking connection: A bi-directional connection that utilizes a single queue for data transfer bothto and from a logical unit.Because execution of transport flow ORBs within a queue is ordered, an uncompleted ORB for data transfer in one direction may block the execution of an ORB for data transfer in theother direction. byte: Eight bits of data. connection: A queue or a pair of queue(s) that affords access to a service. A connection may be uni.directional or bi-directional; in the latter case, a connection may be blocking or nonblocking. Two queues arenecessary to implement a bi-directional, nonblocking connection.
312.6 control information: Information exchanged between an initiator and a logical unit whose format i:defined by this standard. The format of control information is independent of the format of application dataexchanged by client applications and services–but both control information and application data are transported by the same methods control ORB: A transport flow ORB whose queue field is zero and whose end_of message andnotify bits are one; it is used to transfer request or response control information between an initiator and alogical unit.

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