IEEE 1386.1-2001 pdf download IEEE Standard Physical and Environmental Layers for PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMC)
1.1 Scope
This standard defines a family of slim modular mezzanine cards for VME, VME64 and VME64x boards.CompactPCI boards, Multibus I and Il boards. desktop computers, portable computers, servers. andother computer systems with the logical and electrical layers based on the Peripheral Component Interface(PCI) specification from the PCI Special Interest Group.
The complete physical (mechanical) and environmental layers are specified within IEEE Std 1386-2001.
1.2 Purpose
PCI is a high-speed local bus being used by a variety of microprocessors. The PCI specification defines mul-tiple board sizes that plug into computer mother boards in a perpendicular fashion, These perpendicularboards are not usable for low-profile computer applications. This standard defines the mechanics of a slim.modular, parallel mezzanine card family that uses the logical and electrical layers of the PCI specificationfor the local bus. I/0 can be via the front bezel and/or through the connector to the host computer for back-plane I/0. Additional local functionality also can be provided by these mezzanine cards
1.3 General arrangement
PCI mezzanine cards (PMC) are intended to be used where slim, parallel board mounting is required such asin single board computer host modules with the addition of expander cards or option cards, as illustrated inFigure 1.The PMC may be mounted with instruments and panels that comply with the requirements of IEEEStd 1386-2001.
For maximum utilization of component space, the mezzanine card is typically placed such that the majorcomponent side of the mezzanine card faces the major component side of the host board.
2. References
The following publications are used in conjunction with this standard. When any of the referenced specifications are superseded by an approved revision, that revision shall apply.
IEEE Std 1386-2001, IEEE Standard Mechanics for a Common Mezzanine Card (CMC) Family2
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2, 199S3
3. Definitions
3.1 Special word usage
3.1.1 shall: A keyword indicaing a mandatory requirement. Designers shall implement such mandatoryrequirements to ensure interchangeably and to claim conformance with the specification. The phrase isrequired is used interchangeably with the keyword shall.
3.1.2 should: A keyword indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred implementation. Thephrase is recommended and the word preferred are used interchangeably with the keyword should.
3.1.3 may: A keyword indicating flexibility of choice with no implied preference. The phrase is optional isused interchangeably with the keyword may.
4. Mechanics and compliance
4.1 Conformance
A vendor of host modules or mezzanine cards may claim compliance to this standard if there are no areas ofconflict between the host design and IEEE Std 1386-2001 or this standard. In addition, the vendor claimingcompliance shall specify in the product specifications those areas of compliance where optional features areallowed.
4.2 PMC voltage keying
The PCI bus uses either 3.3 V or 5 V for signaling bus levels. A voltage keying is required to prevent associ-ation of host slots and mezzanine card with incompatible signaling voltages. The host shall indicate in itsproduct specification which signaling voltage it uses and has been keyed for. Note that the mezzanine cardmay be designed to accept either or both signaling voltages.
For keying mechanics, see IEEE Std 1386-2001.
IEEE 1386.1-2001 pdf download
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