IEEE 1375-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1375-1998 pdf download IEEE Guide for the Protection of Stationary Battery Systems
1.1 Scope
This document provides guidance in the protection of stationary battery systems. For the purposes of thisguide, stationary battery systems include the battery and dc components to and including the first protectivedevice downstream of the battery terminals. The recommendations provided are not intended to set requirements; rather, they present options to the designer of the batery system concerning the types of protectionavailable
This guide provides discussions and recommendations regarding the forms of stationary battery protectionas well as characteristics, sizing, application, and ratings of protective devices used in dc circuits and theshort-circuit characteristics of batteries and battery chargers. A discussion of physical protection of batterysystems as well as electrical protection is provided within this guide. Discussions are also presented inAnnexes B and C regarding de system time constants.
A discussion of coordination of protective devices for selective tripping is not treated within this guide and isconsidered beyond its scope. The user of this guide is referred to IEEE Std 242-1986′ for guidance concern-ing coordination of protective devices.
Both grounded and ungrounded dc battery systems are used widely in different industry applications. Thephilosophy employed in the protection of stationary battery systems shall take into consideration whetherthe dc system is a grounded or ungrounded system. This guide provides guidance in the protection of bothgrounded and ungrounded stationary battery systems.
1.2 Purpose
This document provides guidance concerning items to consider in the protection of stationary batterysystems. The guide is intended for use in the protection of battery systems in a wide industry perspectiveincluding electric generating stations, substations, telecommunications installations, large industrial andcommercial installations, large uninterruptible power supply (UPS) installations, and renewable energy plantinstallations. While voltage levels indicated within this guide may be applicable to a particular industry, theconcepts and recommendations provided apply to most installations of stationary battery systems.

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