IEEE 1366-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1366-2001 pdf download IEEE Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices
1.1 Scope
This guide identifies useful distribution reliability indices and factors that affect their calculation, It includesindices that are useful today as well as ones that may be useful in the future. The indices are intended toapply to distribution systems, substations, circuits, and defined regions.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is twofold. First, it is to present a set of terms and definitions that can be used tofoster uniformity in the development of distribution service reliability indices, to identify factors that affectthe indices, and to aid in consistent reporting practices among utilities. Secondly, it is to provide guidancefor new personnel in the reliability area and to provide tools for internal as well as external comparisons. Inthe past, other groups have defined reliability indices for transmission, generation, and distribution but someof the definitions already in use are not specific enough to be wholly adopted for distribution. It is recognized that not all utilities will have the data available to calculate all the indices. However, as systemsbecome more sophisticated, the index calculation will become broader and all of these will be able to becalculated.
2. References
This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following standards. When the following standards aresuperseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
IEEE Std 100-1996, EEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.
IEEE Std 859-1987 (Reaff 1993), IEEE Standard Terms for Reporting and Analyzing Outage Occurrencesand Outage States of Electrical Transmission Facilities.
Definitions are given here to aid the user in understanding the factors that affect index calculation. Many ofthese definitions were taken directly from IEEE Std 100-1996.- If there is a conflict between the definitionsin this guide and IEEE Std 100-1996, the definitions in this guide take precedence. Others are given becausethey have a new interpretation within this guide or have not been defined before.
3.1 connected load: The connected transformer kVA, peak load, or metered demand (to be clearly specifiedwhen reporting) on the circuit or portion of circuit that is interrupted. When reporting, the report should statewhether it is based on an annual peak or on a reporting period peak.
3,2 customer count: The number of customers or number of meters. The number of customers is thepreferred item to count if the counting system is not already in place.
3.3 distribution system: That portion of an electric system that delivers electric energy from transformationpoints on the transmission system to the customer Note: The distribution system is generally considered tobe anything from the distribution substation fence to the customer meter. Often the initial overcurrent protection and voltage regulator are within the substation fence.
3.4 duration interruption: The period (measured in seconds, or minutes, or hours, or days) from the initiation of an interruption to a customer or other facility until service has been restored to that customer or facility. An interruption may require step-restoration tracking to provide reliable index calculation, It may bedesirable to record the duration of each interruption.
3.5 forced interruption: An interruption caused by a forced outage.
3.6 interrupting device: A device capable of being reclosed whose purpose is to interrupt faults and restoreservice or disconnect loads. These devices can be manual, automatic, or motor-operated. Examples mayinclude transmission breakers, feeder breakers, line reclosers, and motor-operated switches.
3.7 interrupting device event: The operation associated with the interrupting device for cases where a re-closing device operates but does not lockout and where a switch is opened only temporarily.

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