IEEE 1289-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1289-1998 pdf download IEEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering in the Design of Computer-Based Monitoring and Control Displays for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
This guide provides system design considerations, identifies information display and control techniques foruse with computer-based displays, and provides human factors engineering guidance for the use of thesetechniques in nuclear power generating stations.
This guide should be used in conjunction with the following IEEE standards. When the following standardsare superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply:
IEEE Std 1023-1988.1EEE Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
IEEE Std 610-1990, 1EEE Standard Computer Dictionary, Compilation of IEEE Standard Computer Glossa-ries.
NOTE-See Clause 9 for a bibliography of publications and other documents that provide additional information oramplify this guide.
3. Definitions
3.1 command language: A type of dialog in which a user composes entries to evoke a system response.
3.2 data validation: The process of checking data-entry items for correct content or format.
3.3 direct manipulation: User manipulation of symbols in the display by direct interaction with the symbolIt is generally performed through the use of a display structure, such as a pointer, and a cursor controldevice. such as a mouse.
3.4 display: Visual depiction of a single, integrated, organized set of information. A display may be an inte-gration of several display formats (such as a system mimic that includes bar charts, trend graphs, and datafields).
3.5 display device: The hardware used to provide the display to users. An example is a video display unitSee also: display.
3.6 display elements: The individual components of a display, such as labels, abbreviations, acronyms.
icons, symbols, numbers,color, graph lines, coding, highlighting, and background. See also: display.
3.7 display format: Method of data presentation, such as a trend plot, bar chart, graph, table, or cross-plotSee also: display.
3.8 field: An area of the display screen that is reserved for the display of data or for user entry of a data itemIn a database, it is a specified area used for a particular category of data (eg, equipment operational status)See also: display.
3.9 hierarchical branching: A tree-like menu structure that allows selection among alternatives withoutrequiring the opening and closing of a series of menus. The alternatives are contained in one menu.
3.10 legibility: The quality of a display that allows groups of characters and symbols to be easily discrimi-nated and recognized. See also: display.
3.11 luminance: The luminous intensity per unit projected area of a given surface as viewed from a givendirection. Measured in candelas per square meter or footlamberts.
3.12 luminance contrast: The ratio of the luminance of the features of the object being viewed, in particularof the feature to be discriminated, to the luminance of the background. See also: luminance.
3.13 page: a) A fixed-length block of data, especially that which fits into a single printed sheet. b) To summon a particular page or the next logical page. See also: paging.
3.14 paging: A method of viewing and moving through data in which a user conceives of data as beinggrouped into pages and moves through it by discrete steps. See also: page.
3.15 pop-up menu: A menu that is brought into view as a result of a selection action other than choosing amenu-bar label.Confrast: pull-down menu.
3.16 pull-down menu: A menu that is brought into view by selecting a menu-bar label. Contrast: pop-upmenu.
3.17 readability: The ease with which words and text can be read. Refers specifically to the functional relationships that exist between the properties of words and text and the observer’s accuracy and speed of understanding words or text.
3.18 screen: The portion of a display that is visible on the display device. A screen may show part of a page.
an entire pageor several pages. See also: display device.

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