IEEE 1248-1998 pdf download IEEE Guide for the Commissioning of Electrical Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This guide is directed to the plant owners, designers, and contractors involved in the commissioning of electrical systems of hydroelectric plants. This guide suggests inspection and tests to be used following the completion of the installation of components and systems through to commercial operation. This guide isinfluenced by general North American terminology and practice. Minor adaptation may be required for particular corporate structures and philosophies.
1.2 Introduction
This guide was developed to assist engineers involved in the commissioning of electrical equipment inregard to
Specific electrical equipment tests; and
The testing program for placing the equipment in operation.
The commissioning of electrical equipment may be for
A new hydroelectric plant installation:
Rehabilitation of an existing hydroelectric plant; or
Replacement and upgrade of existing electrical equipment.
The guide describes the development of a startup organization, followed by a description of the phases of a hydropower plant The principal information is contained in matrix format for each majortype of electrical equipment, which identifies the various tests that are associated with the equipment. Infor.mation is provided for each specific test, including
A brief description;
Supporting documents;
Based on the above information, guidance is provided for planning, developing, and documenting a commissioning program.
This guide addresses conventional hydropower. Portions of the guide are relevant to pumped storage plants.
but the unique features of pumped storage plants are not specifically addressed.
The guide also contains a bibliography of industry standards, recommended practices, and guides that maybe used as resources by the engineer engaged in the commissioning of electrical equipment. The listing isintended to be an aid in preparing for a hydroelectric plant startup or a particular test Review of relevantdocuments is encouraged.
2. References
All testing should be done in accordance with equipment specifications and contracts with reference to andin conjunction with pertinent industry standards. The latest revision of the standards and guides listed inAnnex A should be used. A list of supporting documents, which includes both bibliographic items and gen·eral documents, is provided for each test in Clause 9 of this guide.
3. Definitions and acronyms
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 construction testing: Performing required inspections and tests to ensure that completed installationsare in accordance with contract requrements and the latest engineering and design information.
3.1.2 operational testing: All testing required to verify system operation in accordance with design requirements after the major component is energized or operated.
3.1.3 performance testing: Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component withspecified performance.
3.1.4 preoperational testing: All testing required for system components prior to energizing or operatingthe major system component.
3.1.5 prestartup testing: All testing required prior to rotating the generating unit under power (hydraulic orelectrical) which is unique to the unit and not associated with system testing.
3.1.6 startup testing: All testing of the generating unit from initial-powered rotation to verify suitability foroperation.
IEEE 1248-1998 pdf download
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