IEEE 1222-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1222-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
1.1 Scope
This standard covers the construction, mechanical,electrical, and optical performance, installation guidelinesacceptance criteria, test requirements, environmental considerations. and accessories for an all-dielectricnonmetallic, self-supporting fiber optic (ADSS) cable. The ADSS cable is designed to be located primarily onoverhead utility facilities.
The standard provides both construction and performance requirements that ensure within the guidelines ofthe standard that the dielectric capabilities of the cable components and maintenance of optical fiber integ
rity and optical transmissions are proper.
This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purportto address all of the safety issues associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard toestablish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitationsprior to use.
2.ADSS cable and components
2.1 Description
The ADSS cable shall consist of coated glass optical fibers contained in a protective dielectric fiber opticunit surrounded by or attached to suitable diclectric strength members and jackets. The cable shall not con·tain metallic components. The cable shall be designed to meet the design requirements of the optical cablcunder all installation conditions, operating temperatures, and environmental loading
2.2 Support systems
ADSS cable shall contain support systems that are integral to the cable. The purpose of the supportsystem is to ensure that the cable meets the optical requirements under all specified installation con-ditions, operating temperatures, and environmental loading for its design life, This standardexcludes any“lashed” type of cables.
2.3 Fiber optic cable core
The fiber optic cable core shall be made up of coated glass optical fibers housed to protect the fibers frommechanical, environmental, and electrical stresses. Materials used within the core shall be compatible withone another, shall not degrade under the electrical stresses to which they may be exposed, and shall notevolve hydrogen sufficient to degrade optical performance of fibers within the cable.
2.3.1 Fiber strain allowance
The cable core shall be designed such that fiber strain does not excced the limit allowed by the cable manufacturer under the operational design limits of the cable. Maximum allowable fiber strain will generally be afunction of the proof test level and strength and fatigue parameters of the coated glass fiber.
2.3.2 Central structural element
If a central structural element is necessary, it shall be of reinforced plastic, cpoxiglass, or other dielectricmaterial. If required, this element shall provide the necessary tensile strength to limit axial stress on thcfibers and minimize fiber buckling due to cable contraction at low temperatures.
2.3.3 Buffer tube filling compound
Loose buffer tubes shall be filled with a suitable compound compatible with the tubing material, fiber coat-ing, and coloring to protect the optical fibers and prevent moisture ingress.
2.3.4 Cable core filling/flooding compound
The design of the cable may include a suitable filling/flooding compound in the interstices to prohibit watermigration along the fiber otic cable core. The filling compound shall be compatible with all componentswith which it may come in contact.

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