IEEE 12207.2-1997 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 12207.2-1997 pdf download Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207 : 1995 (ISO/IEC 12207) Standard for Information Technology— Software life cycle processes— Implementation considerations
1 Scope
This guide provides implementation consideration guidance for the normative clauses of IEEE/EIA 12207.0The quidance is based on software industry experience with the life cycle processes presented inIEEE/EIA 12207.0
1.1 Limitations
in this quide the use of “organizational process” denotes all of the processes as adapted by an organizationwhereas the use of “organizational life cycle process” refers to the process(es) in clause 7. A thoroughunderstanding of the organizational life cycle processes in clause 7 will help the user of IEEE/ElA 12207.understand what should be in place prior to performing the acquisition, supply, development, maintenanceand/or operation process(es)
1.2 Tailoring
The term “tailoring” is used frequently in the text quoted from ISO/IEC 12207. The concept of unconstrainedtailoring is discouraged in lEEE/ElA 12207.0. In general, the term tailoring should be construed as meaningsimply that tasks outside the scope of work of the relevant contract may be omitted. Additional guidance isprovided in annex B of this quide.
2 Normative references
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of thisquide. At the time of publicaion, the edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, andparties to agreements based on this guide are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent editions of the standard indicated below. When the following standard is superseded by an approvedrevision, the revision shall apply.
EEE/EIA 12207.0-1996, Information technology-Software life cycle processes
Refer to clause 2 of IEEE/EIA 12207.0 for normative references associated with lEEE/EIA 12207.0
3 Definitions
1–The definition of sofware unit in IEEE/ElA 12207.0 (3.28) is identical to that of ISO/IEC 12207. Thisdefinition, however, may represent one view of software unit. There may not be a common agreement withinthe software community on “sofware unit.” The simplest notion of software unit is that it is what a projeciconsiders the smallest part of its sotware product. For this guide, the interpretation of the term “software unit” isthe following: (a) “a separately compilable piece of code,”(b) any other appropriate definition, or (c) replacedwith other more useful terms and concepts for the project.
2-The term “compilable” refers to compilation, assembly, interpreting, translation, etc. The intent is for thecomputer to “translate” a unit written in a higher-order lanquage to its machine instructions so that it canexecute them. The computer can “compile” a software unit separately from other software units. Howevercompilation of a software unit with a test generator, for example, is not considered separate compilation. Asoftware unit is the lowest element in one or more software components. A software component is notnecessarily immediately partitioned into software units. A software component is refined into levels containingsoftware units that can be coded, compiled. and tested.

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