IEEE 1220-2005 pdf download IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process
1.1 Scope
This standard defines the interdisciplinary tasks that are required throughout a system’s life cycle totransform stakeholder needs, requirements, and constraints into a system solution. This standard is intendedto guide the development of systems for commercial, government, military, and space applications. Theinformation applies to a project within an enterprise that is responsible for developing a product design andestablishing the life cycle infrastructure needed to provide for life cycle sustainment.
This standard specifies the requrements for the systems engineering process (SEP) and its applicationthroughout the product life cycle. It does not attempt to define the implementation of each system life cycleorocess, but addresses the issues associated with defining and establishing supportive life cycle processesearly and continuously throughout product development. In addition, the standard does not address the manycultural or quality variables that should be considered for successful product development. The standardfocuses on the engineering activities necessary to guide product development while ensuring that theproduct is properly designed to make it affordable to produce, own, operate, maintain, and eventually todispose of without undue risk to health or the environment.
The requirements of this standard are applicable to new products as well as incremental enhancements toexisting products. It applies to one-of-a-kind products, such as a satellite, as well as products that are mass-produced for the consumer marketplace. The requirements of this standard should be selectively applied foreach specific system-development project. The role of systems engineering within the enterpriseenvironment is described in Annex A
The content of this standard describes an integrated approach to product development, which represents thetotal technical effort for the following:
Understanding the enyironments and the related conditions in which the product may be utilized andafor which the product should be designed to accommodate6Defining product requirements in terms of functional and performance requirements, quality factors.usability,producibility, supportability,safety,and environmental impacts
Defining the life cycle processes for manufacturing, test, distribution, support, training, anddisposal, which are necessary to provide life cycle support for products
1.2 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide a standard for managing a system from initial concept through development, operations, and disposal. The inclusion of computers and associated software in today’s products has made the need to engineer each of those products as a total system more acute. The human, physical, and software components should all be addressed to optimize overall system performance. This standard, IEEE Std 1220-2005, may be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 15288:2002 [B3]. 1 This standard generally prescribes more detailed systems engineering process and management requirements that complete or complement the process activities described in ISO/IEC 15288:2002. However, ISO/IEC 15288:2002 provides additional process definition and guidance that supports life cycle model definition and application of the systems engineering process across a system’s life cycle.
IEEE 1220-2005 pdf download
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