IEEE 1215-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1215-2001 pdf download IEEE Guide for the Application of Separable Insulated Connectors
3.2.4 nose: The part of a loadbreak bushing constituting the elbow probe entrance. The nose sectioncan include a plastic cap or valve assembly with O-ring seals on the exterior end of the bore. Thelocking ring on the bushing mating interface is also included.
3.2.5 piston: The movablecontactissembly within a separable connector bushing that allows thesnuffer tube and finger contact to move outward in the event of a fault-close operation. This contact istypically located near the bottom end of the snuffer tube. The finger contact is generally threaded intothe piston. The piston contact slides on the metal canister that forms the internal wall of the bushing
3.2.6 shoulder: The step at the base of the mating interface on the exterior surface of a bushing wherethe elbow cuff overlaps the bushing to provide a watertight seal.
3.2.7 snuffer tube: The tubular part of a loadbreak separable conncctor bushing into which the clbowprobe is inscrted. This tube contains both the arc quenching material essential for circuit interruptionand the female part of the main current contact.
3.2.8 stop ring: A fcature that limits the outward motion of the piston during fault-close operation of abushing.
3.3 Parts of a bushing well
3.3.1 stud: A threaded etal rod located in the bushing well that mates into the base section of abushing insert.
3.4 Parts of an elbow
3.4.1 arc follower: The polymeric tip on the apparatus end of a loadbreak elbow probe thatdecomposes when cxposed to an electric arc. Decomposition of the arc follower material aids incooling the arc and dcionizing the hot gases produced during circuit interruption.
3.4.2 compression lug: The internal current carrying part of an elbow designed for the transition of thecurrent path from the cable conductor to the probe.
3.4.3 housing: The molded polymer shel consisting of the insulation. insulation shield, and conductorshield of an elbow, The housing encloses the probe and compression lug.3.4.4 probe: The male contact on an elbow or protective cap, typically in the form of a metal rod.
3.5 Separable connectors
3.5.1 component: An individual assembly within a separable connector system. Individual componentsof a scparable connector system includc: clbows, bushings, junctions, caps, bushing wells, plugs, ctc
3.5.2 mating interface: The surfaces on a separable connector that are designed to provide an inter-ference fit between two parts of the connector system. Typically, these surfaces require application of alubricant and form cither rubber-to-rubber or rubber-to-nonclastomeric contacting surfaces
3.5.3 part: A subassembly of a separable connector component. For example, the individual parts ofan elbow (a type of separable connector component) include a molded polymer housing, a com-presslon lug,and a probe.
3.5.4 types: Separable connectors are classified into three types; 200 A loadbreak, 200 A deadbreak.
and 600 A deadbreak.
3.5.5 shipping cap: A plastic cover that is used during transport to prevent contamination of the matinginterface and internal parts. A shipping cap is not designed for installation on an energized circuit.

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