IEEE 1210-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1210-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard Tests for Determining Compatibility of Cable-Pulling Lubricants With Wire and Cable
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to cable-pulling lubricants (compounds) and the testing and analysis of theirinteraction with wire and cable. Cable-pulling lubricants are used to lower the friction on cables when theyare installed (pulled) into conduits, ducts, or directionally bored holes. These lubricants and/or their residuesare in direct contact with the cable exterior covering and may remain so for the life of the cable. Cable-pulling lubricants should be compatible with the cable. They should not interfere with the function of anycomponent of the cable system that they contact.
Compatibility of cable-pulling lubricants with cable coverings is the only subject of this standard. Othermportant performance criteria for cable-pulling lubricants, such as friction reduction, toxicitycombustibility,and so on, are not discussed.
This standard uses accepted cable performance standards whenever possible. Relevant standards are cited inthe text and listed in Clause 2 and Annex A.
1.2 Purpose
This standard describes tests for determining the compatibility of cable-pulling lubricants with cable jacketor other exterior cable coverings. Compatibility of cable-pulling lubricants with a varicty of common cablecoverings is considered.
Often, testing is confined to the effect of the lubricant on the physical properties of the jacket. When theelectrical properties,such as dielectric withstand voltage or electrical resistivity, are important, theevaluation also includes these properties.
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following standardsare superseded by an approved revision,the revision shall apply.
ANSI/UL 44-1999,Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables.
ANSI/UL 83-2003.Standard For Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables
ANSI/UL 1581-2001, Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords
ASTM D412-98a(2002)el, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers andThermoplastic Elastomers-Tension.
ASTM D4703-2003,Standard Practice for Compression Molding Themoplastic Materials into TestSpecimens,Plaques, or Sheets.
ASTM D1693-2001, Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics
ICEA T-25-425-1981, Guide for Establishing Stability of Volume Resistivity for Conducting PolymericCompounds of Power Cables.
3. Physical property effects
3.1 General
Evaluation shall consist of immersing cable jacket samples in the cable-pulling lubricant and heat-aging thesamples while immersed in lubricant at the specified temperatures for the specified durations. Physicalproperty changes shall be determined as compared with heat-aged and unaged comparison samples. Theheat-aged comparison samples shall be water-mmersed (for cables suitable for use in a wet or dampenvironment) or air-aged (for cables not so suited)
To accurately establish a lubricants compatibility with a cable jacket, priority should be given to testing thespecific cable jacket and lubricant that are intended for use because the lubricant on generic types of cablejackets can vary significantly.
Reported results shall include the date of testing and identification of and specific information about thecable and jacket compound tested.

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