IEEE 1205-2000 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1205-2000 pdf download IEEE Guide for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mitigating Aging Effects on Class 1E Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
1.1 Scope
This document provides the guidelines for assessing, monitoring, and mitigating aging degradation effectson Class 1E equipment used in nuclear power generating stations.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to supplement existing IEEE nuclear standards in assessing aging degradationeffects. The methods described herein can be used to identify the performance capability of Class 1E equipment beyond its qualified life.
1.3 Application
it is intended that the user determine the specific equipment that warrants attention using this guide. It is notintended that the methods described herein be required to be applied to all Class 1E equipment. For example.if aging considerations have been satisfactorily addressed through other means (e.g., equipment qualifica-ion), then use of this guide may not be warranted. Similarly, for some equipment, only partial application olthis guide may be warranted.
Aging assessment may be pursued in response to a variety of factors, e.g, regulatory guidance, approachingobsolescence, reduced availability or reliability, or for life extension. For example, IEEE Std 323-1983′ pro-rides definitive guidance for the qualification of Class 1E equipment required to mitigate the consequences ofa design basis event, Such factors plus economics also affect the method and extent of aging assessment actu-ally performed. Monitoring and/or mitigating the aging of some equipment may be determined to be less costeffective than replacing the equipment. Running to failure may be an option under certain special situations.
This guide should be used in conjunction with the following standards:
IEEE Std 323-1983 (Reaff 1996), IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear PowerGenerating Stations.-
IEEE Std 943-1986 (Reaff 1992), 1EEE Guide for Aging Mechanisms and Diagnostic Procedures in Evalu-ating Electrical Insulation Systems.
3. Definitions
Most terms used in this guide are consistent with the recognized industry and IEEE standards. The followingdefinitions are provided to establish the meanings of words in the context of their use in this guide. EPRI RP.2927 B1573 provides definitions for terms not commonly found in IEEE standards.
3.1 aging assessment: Evaluation of appropriate information for determining the effects of aging on the cur-rent and future ability of systems, structures, and components to function within acceptance criteria.
3.2 aging degradation: Gradual deterioration in the physical characteristics of a system, structure, or com-ponent, that is due to aging mechanisms, that occurs with time or use under preserves or service conditionsand could impair its ability to perform any of its design functions.
3.3 aging effects: Net changes in characteristics of a system, structure, or component that occur with time oruse and are due to aging mechanisms.
3.4 aging mechanism: A specific process that gradually changes the characteristics of a system, structure, orcomponent with time or use.
3.5 residual life: The remaining period of time during which a system, structure, or component is expectedto perform its safety function under specified service conditions.
3.6 service life: The actual period from initial operation to retirement of a system, structure, or component
3.7 significant aging mechanism: An aging mechanism that, in the normal and abnormal service environ·ment, causes degradation during the installed life of the equipment that progressively and appreciably rendersthe equipment vulnerable to failure to perform its safety function(s) during design basis event conditions(DBE)(see IEEE Std 649-1991B511)

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