IEEE 1159-1995 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 1159-1995 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This recommended practice encompasses the monitoring of electric power quality of single-phase andpolyphase ac power systes. As such, it includes consistent descriptions of electromagnetic phenomenaoccurring on power systers. he docuent also presents dehnitions of nomina conditions and of deviationsfrom these nominal conditions, which may originate within the source of supply or load equipment, or frominteractions between the source and the load.
Brief, generic descriptions of load susceptibility to deviations from nominal conditions are presented toidentify which deviations may be of interest. Also, this document presents recommendations for measure-ment techniques, application techniques, and interpretation of monitoring results so that comparable resultsfrom monitoring surveys performed with different instruments can be correlated.
While there is no implied limitation on the voltage rating of the power system being monitored, signal inputsto the instrumments are limited to 1000 Vac rms or less. The frequency ratings of the ac power systems beingmonitored are in the range of 45-450 Hz.
Although it is recognized that the instruments may also be used for monitoring dc supply systems or datatransmission systems, details of application to these special cases are under consideration and are notincluded in the scope. It is also recognized that the instruments may perform monitoring functions for envi-ronmental conditions (temperature, humidity, high frequency electromagnetic radiation): however, the scopeof this document is limited to conducted electrical parameters derived from voltage or current measurements, or both.
Finally, the definitions are solely intended to characterize common electromagnetic phenomena to facilitatecommunication between various sectors of the power quality community. The definitions of electromagneticphenomena summarized in table 2 are not intended to represent performance standards or equipment toler-ances. Suppliers of electricity may utilize different thresholds for voltage supply, for example, than the +10% that defines conditions of overvoltage or undervoltage in table 2. Further, sensitive equipment may mal-function due to electromagnetic phenomena not outside the thresholds of the table 2 criteria.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this recommended practice is to direct users in the proper monitoring and data interpretationof electromagnetic phenomena that cause power quality problems. It defines power quality phenomena inorder to facilitate communication within the power quality community. This document also forms the consensus opinion about safe and acceptable methods for monitoring electric power systems and interpretingthe results. lt further offers a tutorial on power system disturbances and their common causes
2. References
This recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the follow.
ing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
IEC 1000-2-1 (1990), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)-Part 2 Environment. Section 1: Descriptionof the environment-electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalingin public power supply systems.
IEC 50(161)(1990),International Electrotechnical Vocabulary–Chapter 161: Electromagnetic Compatibility
IEEE Std 100-1992,IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms (ANSI).
EEE Std 1100-1992,EEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive ElectronicEquipment(Emerald Book)(ANSI)
The purpose of this clause is to present concise definitions of words that convey the basic concepts of poweiquality monitoring. These terms are listed below and are expanded in clause 4. The power quality community is also pervaded by terms that have no scientific definition. A partial listing of these words is included ir3.2: use of these terms in the power quality community is discouraged. Abbreviations and acronyms that areemployed throughout this recommended practice are listed in 3.3.
3.1 Terms used in this recommended practice
The primary sources for terms used are IEEE Std 100-1992’ indicated by (), and IEC 50 (161)(1990) indicated by (%). Secondary sources are IEEE Std 1100-1992 indicated by (),IEC-1000-2-1 (1990) indicated byd) and UIE -DWG-3-92-G B161″. Some referenced definitions have been adapted and modified in order toapply to the context of this recommended practice.

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