IEEE 1128-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1128-1998 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Radio-Frequency (RF) Absorber Evaluation in the Range of 30 MHz to 5 GHz
3.1.6 bulk parameters: Complex permittivity, complex permeability, and conductivity properties of thoulk material used in the radio-frequency (R) absorber. The conductivitv may be inc uded in the imaginarpart of the complex permittivity.
3.1.7 diffuse scattering: Scattering of incident electromagnetic energy over a range of angles other than thspecular direction.
3.1.8 equipment under test (EUT): The equipment being measured or tested, as opposed to support orancillary equipment.
3.1.9 equivalent reflection coefficient (ERC): The measure of the reflection coefficient of an actual radiofrequency (RF) absorberlined reflecting surface. The ERC includes not only the RF absorber reflection, buthereffects such as mounting fixtures, adhesive, and any air space between the RF absorber and the reflecting surface.
3.1.10 frequency domain: A function in which frequency is the independent variable
3.1.11 gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cell: A tapered transverse electromagnetic (TEMcell with an absorber-lined end wall terminated with an absorber load.
3.1.12 intrinsic impedance: For a monochromatic (time harmonic) electromagnetic wave propagating in ahomogenous medium, the ratio of the complex amplitude of the electric field to that of the magnetic field.
NOTE-The intrinsic impedance of a medium is sometimes referred to as the characteristic impedance of the medium
3.1.13 monostatic reflectivity: Reflectivity in which the reflected and incident waves follow the same patlbut in opposite directions. The transmit and receive antennas are in the same location, and normal incidenccoccurs at the reflecting surface.
3.1.14 openarea test site (OATS): A site that meets specified requirements for measuring radio-interference fields radiated by an equipment under test (EUT).
3.1.15 parallel polarization: The polanzation of a wave for which the electric field vector lies in the planof incidence.
NOTE–This is sometimes called vertical or transverse magnetic (TM) polarization.
3.1.16 perpendicular polarization: The polarization of a wave for which the electric field is perpendicularto the plane of incidence.
NOTE–This is sometimes called horizontal or transverse electric (TE) polarization.
3.1.17 plane of incidence: The plane containing the normal to the surface of a boundary and the phase vec.
tor(B) of the incident wave.
3.1.18 quiet zone: A described yolume within an anechoic chamber where electromagnetic waves reflectedfrom the walls, floor, and ceiling are stated to be below a certain specified minimum. The quiet zone mayhave a spherical, cylindrical, rectangular, etc, shape depending on the chamber characteristics.

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