IEEE 112-2004 pdf download

01-13-2023 comment

IEEE 112-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators
1.1 Scope
This standard covers instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptabletests of polyphase induction motors and generators. Many of the tests described may be applied to bothmotors and generators, as needed, and no attempt is made to partition the test procedure into clauses andsubclauses that separately apply to motors or to generators. Whenever the term motor is used, it is to beunderstood that it may be replaced by the term generator, if applicable. Likewise, whenever machine isused, it may be replaced by either motor or generator, if applicable, Since polyphase power systems arealmost universally three-phase systems, the equations in this standard have been written specifically folthree phases. When the test is performed on other than three-phase power, the equations shall be modifiedappropriately.
1.2 Purpose
Instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests are covered todetermine the performance and characteristics of polyphase induction motors and generators. Additionaltests, not specified herein, may be required to satisfy specific research or application needs. These proce-dures shall not be interpreted as requiring the performing of any specific test in a given transaction.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following standards. When the following standards aresuperseded by an approved revision, the latest revision shall apply.
IEEE Std 43″-2000,IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of RotatingMachinery.l, 2
3.1 Power Supply
3.1.1 Selection
Because the performance of an induction machine is dependent not only upon the value of the line voltageand frequency but also on the wave shape and the balance in magnitude and phase angle of the line voltages.correct data can be obtained only by careful measurement with accurate instrumentation and by employing asuitable source of power.
3.1.2 Waveform
The power supply shall provide balanced voltages closely approaching a sinusoidal waveform. The har.
monic distortion coefficient.THD, shall not exceed 0.05. The THD is defined as shown in Equation (1).
Eis the root-mean-square value of the fundamental of the yoltage wave, in volts (V).cis the total root-mean-square value of the voltage V.
3.1.3 Voltage unbalance
The voltage unbalance shall not exceed 0.5%. The percent voltage unbalance equals 100 times the maximumvoltage deviation from the average voltage divided by the average voltage.
E.xample: With line voltages of 220 V, 215 V, and 210 V, the average voltage is 215 V. the maximum deviation from the average is 5,and the unbalance equals (100 x 5)/215 = 23%
3.1.4 Frequency
For general testing, the frequency shall be within +0.5% of the value required for the test being conducted.unless otherwise specified. Any departure from the specified frequency during the test directly affects theefficiency obtained with Efficiency Test Methods A. B, and Bl, When these Methods are used, the frequency shall be within +0.1% of the specified test value.

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