IEEE 112-1996 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 112-1996 pdf download IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators
1.1 Scope
This standard covers instructionsfor conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptabletests of polyphase inducton motors and generators. Many of the tests described may be applied to bothmn otors and generators, as needed, and no attempt is made to partition the test procedure into clauses to motors and subclauses that separately apply to motors or to generators. Whenever the term mofor isused, it is to be understood that it m ay be replaced by the term generafor, if applicable. Since polyphasepower systems are almost universally three-phase systems the equations in this standard have been writtenspecifcally for three phases. When the testis performed on other than three-phase pow er, the equations shallbe modifed appropriately.
1.2 Purpose
Instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests are covered todetermine the performance ad characteri stics of polyphase induction motors and generators. Additionaltests, not specified herein, may be required to satisfy specific research or application needs. These proce.dures shall not be interpreted as requiring the perform ing of any specific test in a given transaction.
This standard shall be used in corjunction with the following standards. When the following standards aresuperseded by an approved revision the latest revision shall apply.
IEEE Std 41995,EEE Standard Techriques for High-Voltage Testing(ANSI).
IEEE Std 43-1974 (Reaff1991),IEEE Recomm ended Practice for TestingInsulation Resistance of RotatingMachinery (ANSI)
3. Generaltests
3.1 Types of tests
Polyphase induction achines are norm ally given a routine test, but they m ay also be given additional tests.
For typical routine tests refer to NEMA MG 1-1993 B3]” parts 12 and 20
A typical form for reporting routine test data is shown in Annex A. A typical form for reporting additionaltest data is shown in Annex B
3.2 Choice oftests
A complete list of tests covered by this standard is given in the table of contents in clauses 6 through 9Alternate methods are described for making m any of the tests suitable for different sizes and types ofm achines and different conditions. In soe cases, the preferred method isindcated.
The schedule of factory and feld tests that may be required on new equipment is normally specifed byapplicable standards or by cortract specifcations. The m anufacturer’s choice of methodfor factory or feldtests on new equpment will govern in lieu of prior agreement or contract specification
3.3 Use of this standard
Afer the testm ethod is chosen, all necessary data may be obtained by following the instructions and precau.tions given in the subclause describing the test. Many cf these subclauses include alternate methods forobtaining the necessary data. Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer may choose the m ethod bestsuited to the facilities available. It is anticipated that the developm ent of improved practices and new ecupm ent, such as electroric and autom atic devices, will result in new or improved methods of carrying out theintent of these test procedures. New or modifed m ethods may be used as substitutes when their results havtneen shown to be reli able ad consistent with those obtauned by the m ethods aiven in these test procedures.
3.4 Tests with load
Tests withload are made for the determination of efciency power factor speed cuxrent, and temperaturerise. Some cf the miscellaneous tests oudinedin clause 9 are also made with load. For all tests withload, them achine shall be properly aligned and securely fastened. F or readings to be used in performance determina.

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