IEEE 11-2000 pdf download IEEE Standard for Rotating Electric Machinery for Rail and Road Vehicles
The manufacturer shall be informed by the purchaser of any particularly arduous condition such as dust.
humidity, temperature, snow, dynamic effects, ete., under which the machines are intended to work.
1.4 Test categories
1.4.1 Type tests
Type tests to establish ratings and characteristics shall be carried out on all new products. The number oftype tests shall be one for every order for a new type, up to 100 machines on the order, and one for everyadditional 300 machines (or part thereof) for larger orders, unless otherwise agreed to between manufacturerand purchaser. Machines given type tests shall also be given routine tests
1.4.2 Routine tests
Routine tests show that each machine is ready for service and like the type tested machines. Resistancerotation, vibration, heating-up run, bearing temperature, and dielectric tests shall be carried out on allmachines. In no case do routine tests require precise temperature measurement.
For inverter-driven induction motors, no-load phase balance and magnetizing curent and kilowatt inputtests shall be run, and overspeed and single phase tests may be run by agreement.
For synchronous machines, overspeed test shall be run on each machine.
For dc machines, overspeed test shall be run on each machine, and requirements for commutation and char-acteristic tests shall be met by one of the methods given below.
Load test may be used to demonstrate commutation and characteristics directly.
Simulated load test may be used to demonstrate that the factors that afect commutation and characteristicsagree with identical tests on machines that have had type test.
On machines produced in large quantity and assembled by precision methods, statistical methods may beused to determine the number of machines subject to commutation and characteristic tests. The qualitycontrol and sampling plan may be subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.
1.5 Electric inputs or outputs
DC motors supplied from rectified polyphase alternating current with not less than six-pulse rectificationwithout phase control are considered to be operating on smooth current No correction is needed from testsrun on smooth current.
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