IEEE 1063-2001 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1063-2001 pdf download IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation
This clause presents the scope, purpose, organization, and candidate uses of this standard
1.1 Scope
This standard provides minimum requirements for the structure, information content, and format of userdocumentation, including both printed and electronic documents used in the work environment by users ofsystems containing software. This standard is limited to the software documentation product and does notnclude the processes of developing or managing software user documentation: it applies to printed uselmanuals. online help. and user reference documentation. It does not apply to specialized course materialsintended primarily for use in formal training programs.
This standard is intended neither to encourage nor discourage the use of either printed or electronic (online)media for documentation, or of any particular documentation development or management tools or methodologies Users of this standard may want to develop a style manual for use within their own organizations tocomplement the guidance provided in the standard, or to adopt an industry-recognized style guide, Users olthis standard may also want to perform usability testing on the software user documentation. The worksisted in the bibliography provide guidance on the processes of managing, preparing, and testing user documentation (see Annex A)
1.2 Purpose
This revision provides requirements for the structure. information content, and format of both printed andelectronic documentation. It addresses the interests of software acquirers. producers, and users in standards
for consistent, complete. accurate, and usable documentation.
1.3 Organization of the standard
After Clause 2, this standard is organized according to the different aspects of user documentation: structureClause 3), information content (Clause 4), and format (Clause 5). In each clause, the requirements aremedia-independent,as far as possible. Requirements specific to either print or electronic media are identifiedas such, particularly in Clause 5. The order of clauses in this standard does not imply that the software userdocumentation should be developed in this order or presented to the user in this order.
1.4 Candidate uses
The wording of each clause in this standard assists those intending to claim conformance with the standardThe term shall identifes mandatory requirements to claim conformance with this standard. The term shouldidentifies an approach that is recommended, but not required, to claim conformance with this standard. Theterm may identifies an approach that is permitted within the limits of the standard, but not required to claimconformance with this standard.
This standard may be included or referenced in contracts or similar agreements when the parties (called theacquirer and the producer or supplier) agree that the supplier will deliver documentation in accordance withthe standard. This standard may also be adopted as an in-house standard by a project or organization thatdecides to produce documentation in accordance with the standard, Although this standard is intended forsoftware documentation for end users, it may be applied to documentation produced for computer operatorsor system administrators who are not end users
This standard is meant to be tailored so that only necessary and cost-effective requirements are appliedTailoring may take the form of specifying approaches to comply with its mandatory requirements, or alteringits non-mandatory recommendations and approaches to refect the particular software and documentationproduct more explicitly. Tailoring decisions made by the acquirer should be specified in the contract.
Throughout this standard. the term documentation reters to software user documentation. Use of the terminology in this standard is for ease of reference and is not mandatory for conformance with the standard. Foithe purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictio.nary of lEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition (B9′ should be referenced for terms not defined in thisclause.
2.1 action: Element of a step that a user performs to complete a procedure.
2.2 caution: Advisory in software user documentation that performing some action may lead to consequences that are unwanted or undefined, such as loss of data or an equipment problem. (See also: warningand note)
2.3 critical information: Information on the safe use of the software, the security of the information createdwith the software, or the privacy of the information created by or stored with the software.
2.4 document set: A collection of documentation that has been segmented into separately identified volumes or products for ease of distribution or use.
2.5 illustration: Graphic element set apart from the main body of text and normally cited within the maintext. In this standard, the term illustration is used as the generic term for tables, figures, exhibits, screen captures, flow charts, diagrams, drawings, icons, and other graphic elements.
26 instructional mode: Usage mode that is intended to teach the use of software in performing tasks.

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