IEEE 1050-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1050-2004 pdf download IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding in Generating Stations
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This application guide was developed to identify instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment groundingmethods to achieve both a suitable level of protection for personnel and equipment, and suitable electricnoise immunity for signal ground references in generating stations. Both ideal theoretical methods andaccepted practices in the electric utility industry are presented.
This guide is intended to give information on grounding methods for generating station instrumentation andcontrol equipment. Grounding design is normally based on the concept of two separate grounding systems.the equipment ground and the signal reference ground. The concepts of equipment grounding are well covered in other IEEE standards. The concepts of grounding of instrument chassis. cable shields. signal pairsand other related instrumentation and control items require special care in order to ensure that both person-nel working on equipment are adequately protected from electrical shock and that interference signals arenot inadvertently coupled into signal circuits. Although safety takes top priority, the I&C systems must besimultaneously safe and operationally reliable
The basic theory and guidelines that should be understood before designing I&C grounding are presented inClause 4. Clause 5 presents various approaches for the grounding of equipment associated with generatingstation I&C systems. Clause 6 presents accepted practices in grounding the shields of I&C cables, whileClause 7 covers the testing ofI&C grounding systems.
1.2 Purpose
The typical environment in a generating station provides many sources of electrical noise such as the switch-ing of large inductive loads. high fault currents, electronic drives, and high-energy, high-frequency tran-sients associated with switching at transmission voltage levels. The increasing use of solid-state equipmentand microprocessor-based control systems in these applications introduces a number of specific concernswith respect to electrical noise control. This document is a guide that discusses methods for the grounding ofinstrumentation and control equipment and their associated circuits in this environment
The generally low-level electrical signals transmitted from various I&C equipment in a generating station through often lengthy cables may undergo signal distortion as they travel to the receiving end. This distor- tion is typically caused by noise pickup either at the signal source or along the cable run. The level of noise on the received signal may cause operational errors and in extreme cases, damage to equipment which in turn may result in costly unit downtime. The use of proper grounding and shielding techniques can prevent a large percentage of noise problems. It should be recognized that there are numerous accepted grounding techniques and that the actual installation of a ground system should be made with reference to the recom- mendations of the I&C equipment manufacturers since the techniques used to solve one problem may result in the creation of a different problem.

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