IEEE 1044-2002 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1044-2002 pdf download IEEE Standard ClassiÞcation for Software Anomalies
1.2 Scope
This standard is applicable to any software, including critical computer software, commercial applications.system software, support software, testware, and firmware during any phase of a system’s life cycle. Thisstandard defines the minimum requirements for classifying anomalies, as well as providing additional classi-fications for projects requiring greater detail. The mandatory classifications are the minimum requirementsnecessary to establish a standard terminology for anomalies within or between projects and organizations.
lo accomplish the classification task. this standard documents the following subiects:
Definitions of terms not provided in IEEE Std 610.12-1990186)A basic process (sequence of steps) for classifying and establishing categories of anomalies relatingto software products and providing related data and informationcA standard set of categories and classifications, cither mandatory or optionaldA list of supporting data items
This standard identifies those essential (mandatory) categories needed to establish a common definition. Thecategories provide a common terminology and concepts to communicate among projects, software development environments, and personnel, It is assumed that all applicable classifications within a mandatory category shall be used for compliance to this standard. This standard also provides categories for additionaldetail that are not necessarily essential to all projects. These additional categories are identified as optionalThis standard is not intended to define procedural or format requirements for using the classification scheme.This standard identifes some classification measures and does not attempt to define all the data supportingthe analysis of an anomaly.
The classifications are layered with greater detail in each subsequent layer, For instance, in table lb thProject phase category has two levels of classifications, and in table 3c the 7ype category has three levels oiclassifications. Each project using this classification scheme may choose the level of classification appropri-ate to that project. Only the first level of classifications is mandatory for each mandatory category.
The classifications in this standard are not exhaustive. Some projects will have requirements that are uniquet is assumed that in those situations the project members will create project-specific categories and/or clas-sifications in addition to the classifications stated in this standard. Anomaly reports generated using the classihcations stated in this standard facilitate the generation of statistics and information for trend analysis
2. References
This standard shall be used with the following publications:EEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (ANSI.Brehmer, C. L, Carl, J. R., “Incorporating IEEE Std 1044 into Your Anomaly Tracking Process,”,pp.9-16,Jan.1993.

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