IEEE 1023-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1023-2004 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities
5.1 Task considerations
To ensure reliable human performance, the following considerations of tasks, task performance, and task supportshould be addressed in life cycle activities. Also see 6.3.3, Task Analysis.
5.1.1 Role of the user
The role of the user in a system consists of the human activities and responsibilities performed to achieve safe andeffective system operation. This may be established by regulations or standards, by physical, environmental,ortemporal constraints, or by the precedent of similar designs proven by operating experience. The user’s role and thefunction of the associated equipment/process (6.3.2) should be complementary, so that the combined system is safeand effective. In terms of human performance, a user’s role is acceptable if the required tasks can be achievedreadily within normal human capabilities and limitations.
5.1.2 Task loading
Task loading is the extent to which ongoing work taxes the mental and physical capacities of personnel, individuallyor as a team. During extended periods of over- or under-load, humans typically make more errors and/or becomeess productive. For example, over-loading may occur when attention must be divided among too many tasks. orwhen rapid response rates must be sustained. Under-loading may occur with monotonous tasks such as monitoringfor infrequent events, leading to boredom, inattention, and disengagement. For significant human interfaces.acceptable task loading should be confirmed by analysis, testing, and/or user feedback.
5.1.3 Human reliability
Environments,, and work procedures influence the likelihood of human error. Human reliabilityis concerned with the causes. probability, consequences, and reduction of human error, Human reliability relates tomany HFE considerations; some important issues are discussed below. Performance criteria
Adequate performance on required tasks should be defined by performance criteria. Performance criteria should becompatible with human capabilities and limits. Performance criteria should incorporate reasonable margins witirespect to the consequences of inadequate performance. Task Feedback
Feedback is a returned indication of the response of an object to control input. Feedback is particularly important forremote operations. where direct observation of results is limited or absent. Feedback provides users with means toconfirm results. to guide subsequnt actions. o delect anomalies. and to recover from errors. Human errors are ofieninked to inadequate task feedback. Important characteristics of task feedback that should be considered include:
a) Direct indication – Feedback should be driven by final, not intermediate, processes.
b) Positive indication – Absence of indication should not be used as feedback.
c) Timeliness – Feedback should be prompt; delays reduce effectiveness.
d) Sufficient precision – Feedback should meet the precision requirements of the task.

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