IEEE 1018-2013 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Electric Submersible Pump Cable—Ethylene-Propylene Rubber Insulation
4.2 Gas blockage for stranded conductors
A 30-cm (12-in) specimen of insulated conductor removed from finished cable should be subjected to a 0.03- MPa (5-psi) differential air pressure for a period of 1 h at 25 °C (77 ºF). The sample ends should be cut off flush with a fine-toothed saw blade, and one end of the sample should have a short section of clear flexible plastic tubing slid over the insulation to enable the specimen to be pressurized. The tubing should be attached in place with a small hose clamp (minimum width of binding collar = 6.4 mm (0.250 in)). Theclamp should be tightened with minimu torque to prevent leakage. The opposite end of the sample shoulcbe left submerged in water. No air bubbles should be detected at the submerged end of the cable during thetest period.
4.3 Construction
The insulation should be extruded on the conductor.
4.3.1 Non lead sheath product
For 3-kV rated cable, average insulation wall thickness should be 1.9 mm (0.075 in) or more. Theinsulation minimum wall thickness should not be less than l.7 mm (0.068 in) at any point. For 5-kV ratedcable, the insulation average wall thickness should be 2.3 mm (0.090 in) or more. The insulation minimumwall thickness should not be less than 2.1 mm (0.081 in) at any point.
4.3.2 Lead sheath product
For 5-kV rated cable, the insulation average wall thickness should be 1.9 mm (0.075 in) or more. Theinsulation mminimum wall thickness should not be less than l.7 mm (0.068 in) at any point. Considerationsother than voltage stress impact the thickness of insulation.
5. Barrier (optional)
5.1 Material
At the option of the purchaser, cach insulated conductor could have additional constraining coverings usedfor fluid protection and hoop strength. These additional coverings may be extruded fluoropolymerswrapped tapes, or tape and woven braid.
52 Flat cable with lead sheath
Each insulated conductor should have a lead sheath extruded over the insulation. The average wallthickness should be 1.0 mm (0.040 in), with a minimum thickness of 0.8 mm (0.032 in).
6.Assembly and jacket
6.1 Material
Two basic types of jacket material are used for the cable jacket. The first type is an oil-resistantthermosetting nitrile rubber. The nitrile rubber should meet the properties shown in Table 4 and typically israted at temperatures to 140 ° (284 F). The second type of rubber is an oil-resistant thermosetting EPDMEPDM rubber for jacket purposes should eet the properties shown in Table 5. EPDM rubber is used inhigher tempcrature wells and may be rated up to temperatures of 232 “C (450 F), Both compounds shoulcbe tested in accordance with applicable portions of ANSI/NEMA WC 71/1CEA S-96-659, Section 7.
IEEE 1018-2013 pdf download
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