IEEE 1017-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1017-2004 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Field Testing Electric Submersible Pump Cable
4. Safety
4.1 Description
Testing of cable systems using high-voltage dc testing involves all hazards that are normally associated withworking on energized circuits and several unique hazards that should be addressed.
4.2 Application
Cables that are tested using de voltage can hold an electrical charge for long periods of time after voltage hasbeen removed. This electrical charge is maintained because of the high capacitance and dielectric absorptioncharacteristics of the insulation. This buildup of an electrical charge is characteristic of all insulatingmaterials.
Cable subjected to high-voltage dc testing that is not properly grounded after the test can have dangerouscharge buildup. Proper grounding procedures shall be followed to eliminate personnel hazards.
4.3 Procedures to secure cable and area
Cable testing is best performed in a designated area designed for the sole purpose of inspecting and testingof cable. Equipment should be maintained, calibrated, and checked at regular intervals to ensure thatequipment is in working order and that the grounding system is functional. It is recommended that a strobeight be incorporated into the unit to indicate that the system has been energized.
Cable circuits normally have one or more ends that are remote from the location of the test equipment andtest operator. These ends should be cleared and guarded to ensure the safety of personnel. Voicecommunication should be stablished between all such locations and the test operator. Before a cable isenergized, make sure the area is clear of personnel.
All ends as well as all connecting leads of components being tested require guarding from accidental contactby such means as rope barriers, enclosures, or a watchman at all hidden points. The ends require separationfrom all elements not to be subjected to test by a distance of not less than 15 cm (5.9 in).
All components should be de-energized before starting any work. A grounded connection should be applicdto cach conductor, the armor, and all nonenergized metallic parts in the vicinity. The only time a groundconnection should be removed is when applying test voltage to that insulated conductor.
When dc voltages are applied to the cable, it is common for a residual charge to remain in the insulationAfter the cable is tested, each conductor should be discharged to ground A grounded connection should bereattached to the conductor, The ground should be applied long enough to completely discharge the cableThis requirement may be up to four times the duration of the applied voltage. Otherwise there is danger oelectrical shock even without an applied voltage.

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