IEEE 1012-2004 pdf download

01-12-2023 comment

IEEE 1012-2004 pdf download IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation
The verification process and the validation process are interrelated and complementary processes that useeach other’s process results to establish better completion criteria and analysis, evaluation, review.inspection, assessment, and test V&V tasks for each software life cycle activity. The V&V task criteriadescribed in Table I uniquely define the conformance requirements for V&V processes.
The development of a reasonable body of evidence requires a trade-off between the amount of time spentand a finite set of system conditions and assumptions against which to perform the V&V tasks. Each projectshould define criteria for a reasonable body of evidence (ie, selecting a software integrity level establishesone of the basic parameters), time schedule, and scope of the V&V analysis and test tasks (i.e, range ofsystem conditions and assumptions).
This standard does not assign the responsibility for performing the V&V tasks to any specific organizationThe analysis, evaluation, and test activities may be performed by muliple organizations; however, themethods and purpose will differ for each organization’s functional objectives.
ISO/IEC 12207:1995 (B13] or EEE/EIA 12207.0-1996 (B12] require that the developer perform varioustesting and evaluation tasks as an integral part of the development process. Even though the tests andevaluations are not part of the V&V processes, the techniques described in this standard may be useful inperlorming them. Thereforc, whenever this standard mentions the developer s perlormmance of a verilicationor validation activity, it is to be understood that the relerence applies to the integral test and evaluation tasksof the development process.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is toEstablish a common framework for V&V processes, activities, and tasks in support of all softwarelife cycle processes,including acquisition, supply, development, operation, and maintenanceprocessesDefine the V&V tasks, required inputs, and required outputsIdentify the minimum V&V tasks corresponding to a four-level software integrity schemeDefine the content of a software V& V plan (SVVP)
1.3 Field of application
This standard applies to all applications of software. When conducting the software V&V process, it isimportant to examine the software in its interactions with the system of which it is a part. This standardidentifies the important system considerations that software V&V processes and tasks address indetermining software cortectness and other software V&V attributes (e.g, completeness, accuracyconsistency,testability).
The dynamics of software and the multitude of different logic paths available within software in response tovarying system stimuli and conditions demand that the software V& V effort examine the correctness of thecode for each possible variation in system conditions. The ability to model complex real world conditionswill be limited, and thus the software V&V effort must examine whether the limits of the modeling arerealistic and reasonable for the desired solution. The unlimited combination of system conditions presents

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