IEEE 1012-1998 pdf download

01-06-2023 comment

IEEE 1012-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation
Tables 1, 2, and 3 are the focal point of this standard, containing detailed V&V process, activity, and taskrequirements. Table 1 provides V&V task descriptions, inputs, and outputs for each life cycle process. Table2 lists minimum V&V tasks required for different software integrity levels. Table 3 provides a list of optionalV&V tasks and their suggested applications in the life cycle. These optional V& V tasks may be added to theminimum V&V tasks to tailor the V& V effort to project needs and application specific characteristics
Figure I provides an example of an overview of the V&V inputs, outputs, and minimum V&V tasks for thehighest software integrity level (Integrity Level 4). Figure 2 provides guidelines for scheduling V&V testplanning, execution, and verification activities. An example of a phased life cycle model was used in Figures and 2 to illustrate a mapping of the ISO/IEC 12207 life cycle processes to the V&V activities and tasksdescribed in this standard.
This standard implements the V&V framework using the terminology of process, activity, and task. Figure 3illustrates how the V&V processes are subdivided into activities, which in turn have associated tasks. Hereafter, the term V& V effort is used to refer to the framework of the V& V processes, activities, and tasks.
The annexes contain informative and normative information useful to implementing the requirements of thisstandard. Annex A (informative) describes the mapping of ISO/IEC 12207 and IEEE Std 1074-1997 V&Vrequirements to this standard’s V&V activities and tasks. Annex B (informative) provides an example of arisk-based, four-level integrity scheme. Annex C (informative) provides a definition of independent verification and validation (V&V). Annex D (informative) provides guidelines for conducting V&V of reusablesoftware. Annex E (informative) describes V&V metrics for assessing V&V quality, V&V coverage, andsoftware development processes and products. Such V&V metrics support process improvement tasks ofproject management. Annex F (informative) illustrates an example of the V& V organizational relationship toother project responsibilities. Annex G (informative) describes optional V&V tasks. Annex H (informativelists standards and guides that may be useful in interpreting and implementing the V&V tasks identifed inthis standard. Annex I(normative) contains definitions from existing standards.
1.5 Audience
The audience for this standard is software suppliers, acquirers, developers, maintainers, V&V practitioners.
operators, and managers in both the supplier and acquirer organizations.
1.6 Compliance
The word shall identifies mandatory requirements to claim compliance with this standard. The words shouldor may indicate optional tasks that are not required to claim compliance to this standard.
Any software integrity level scheme may be used with this standard. The software integrity level schemeused in this standard is not mandatory, but rather, establishes the minimum V&V tasks for the referencedsoftware integrity scheme. To demonstrate compliance to this standard whenever different software integrityschemes are used, the user should map the project-specific software integrity scheme to the integrity schemeused in this standard. This mapping establishes the minimum V&V tasks that should be assigned to theproject. Compliance with this standard requires that this mapping and the associated minimum V& Y tasksbe documented in the SVVP
ot all V& V efforts are initiated at the start of the life cvcle process of acauisition and continued through themaintenance process, If a proiect uses only selected life cycle processes.then compliance with this standardis achieved if the minimumV& V tasks are implemented for the associated life cycle processes selected for

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