From Colonial to Modern pdf download.Transnational Girlhood in Canadian,Australian,and New Zealand Children’s Literature,1840-1940.
If we truly want to know what kinds of beliefs a culture holds about its wonwn, the most insightful way to find 0111 IS to examine the expecta— lions an(I ideals it COflVe>’S to the neXt generation. (;iiis Who are Iocited betveen childhood and womanhood are i lOCUS for a culture’s hopes and fears for the future. Since (lie eighteenth Century, books and maga— zines specifically for the enjoyment an(1 edification of girls have been j)Hl)liShcd. These various kinds of pntit culture have sougin to reinforce, negotiate, and transfonn notions of girlhood. They also reveal how the cultures in which they were pro1ti1 imagined girls and the life stage of girlhood. Nineteen tb—century literature and magazines for girls were largely ignored in feminist scholarship.
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