EN 752-2017 pdf download.Drain and sewer systems outside buildings – Sewer system management.
5.1.5 Protection of groundwater
Groundwater shall be protected from pollution within nationally or locally prescribed limits. The effect of the drain and sewer system on the local recharge of aquifers shall be considered. Where Infiltration drainage systems are proposed, the effects of rainwater quality and quantity shall be considered.
The measures to achieve the standards required under the EU Water Framework Directive are summarized in the river basin management plan produced in accordance with the water framework river basin plan.
5.1.6 Prevention of odours and toxic, explosive and corrosive gases
Sewer systems shall be planned, designed, constructed, maintained, operated and rehabilitated as far as practicable to avoid odour nuisance, or toxic, explosive or corrosive gases.
5.1.7 Prevention of noise and vibration
The system shall be planned, designed, constructed, maintained, operated and rehabilitated so that noise and vibration are minimized.
5.1.8 Structural integrity and design working life
Drains, sewers and other components shall be planned, designed, constructed, maintained, operated and rehabilitated to ensure structural integrity over the design working life.
5.1.9 Watertightness
New drains, sewers and ancillary structures, other than those specifically designed for infiltration drainage, shall be watertight in accordance with the testing requirements of EN 1610, Existing drains, sewers and ancillary structures shall be watertight in accordance with national or local testing requirements.
5.1.10 Sustainable use of products and materials
Products, materials, and their construction methods shall be selected that minimize depletion of finite resources having regard to the design working life of the component and the potential for re-use or recycling, for example minimizing the volume of excavated material and the reuse of excavated material.
5.1.11 Sustainable use of energy
The design and operation of the drain and sewer system shall, so far as is practical, minimize the use of energy over the design working life of the system.
compromise the integrity of the fabric of the system or its function or constitute a danger for the environment. National or local regulations can give requirements for inputs quality.
5.2 Determination of performance requirements for the drain and sewer system
5.2.1 IntroductIon
In order to evaluate the performance of the system and to allow development of design standards, measurable performance requirements shall be determined from each functional requirement. The process for deriving performance requirements is illustrated in Figure 3.
Drain and sewer systems are part of the urban drainage system (see Figure 4). Urban drainage systems comprise all infrastructures or the management of wastewater and rain water in the built environment. The extent and role of the drain and sewer system within the urban drainage system depends on local circumstances for each system.
Urban drainage systems are part of a wider system of water management (see Figure 4). The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC) provide the basis for integrated management of the whole water management system through the river basin management plans and flood risk management plans.
Integrated sewer system management is the coordinated management of the planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of all drain and sewer systems in a catchment area taking into account all aspects of their performance. It includes a consideration of the interactions of the drain and sewer system with the urban drainage system as a whole, and the wider water environment.
The performance requirements should take account of the role of the drain and sewer system which should be determined within the context of the whole river basin catchment and the other elements of the urban drainage system (see Figure 4). To determine this role account should be taken of integrated water policies set by any national or local regulations or the relevant authority together with any requirements of the integrated river basin management plan.
Integrated urban drainage management is the coordinated management of the planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of all urban drainage systems in a catchment area taking into account all aspects of their performance. Account should also be taken of any policies resulting from integrated urban drainage management.EN 752-2017 pdf download.
EN 752-2017 pdf download
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