EN 440-2001 pdf download.Tilsatsmaterialer til svejsning— Tilsatstràde og nedsmeltet svejsemetal til metallysbuesvejsning med beskyftelsesgas af ulegerede stàl og finkornstàl — Kiassifikation
Welding consumables — Wire electrodes and deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels — Classification.
This EN 440 specifies requirements for classification of wire electrodes and weld deposits in the as-welded condition for gas shielded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels with a minimum yield strength of up to 500 N/mm2, One wire electrode may be tested and classified with different gases.
The classification of a weld deposit is based on tests of the all-weld metal.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
prEN 439 Welding txmsumabk,s — Shielding gases for arc u’elding and cutting
prEN 759 Welding consumables — Thchnical delivery cond it ions for welding filler metals including type of product, dimensions, tolerances and marking
prEN 1597-1 Welding consumables — lèsting for classification — Part 1: lkst assembly for all-weld metal test specimen in stee4 nickel and nickel alloys (00121112)
ISO 31-0 Quantities and units — Part 0: General principles
3 Classlflcatlon
A wire electrode shall be classified according to its chemical composition In table 3. A weld deposit shall be c1ified with additional symbols according to the mechanical properties of Its all-weld metal, using a shielding gas from a specific group. The classification of a weld deposit Is divided Into five parts:
1) the first part gives a symbol indicating the pmduct’process to be identified;
2) the second part gives a symbol indicating
strength and elongation of the all-weld metal;
3) the third part gives a symbol indicating
impact properties of the all-weld metal;
4) the fourth part gives a symbol indicating the
shielding gas used;
5) the fifth part gives a symbol indicating the
chemical composition of the wire electrode used.
4 Symbols and requirements
4.1 Symbol (or the producUprocess The symbol of a wire electrode for the gas metal arc welding process andior the resulting weld deposit shall be the letter G placed at the beginning of the designation.
42 Symbol for strength and elongation of all.weld metal
The symbol in table 1 indicates yield strength. tensile strength and elongation of the all-weld metal in the as-welded condition determined in accordance with clause 5.
4.3 Symbol for Impact properties of all-weld metal
The symbol in table 2 indicates the temperature at which an average impact ene® of 47 J is achieved under the conditions given in clause 5. Three specimens shall be tested. Only one individual value may be lower than 47 J but not lower than 32 J. When an all-weld metal has been claif1ed for a certain temperature, it automatically covers any higher temperature In table 2.
4.4 Symbol for shielding gas
The symbols M and C indicate shielding gases as descnbed In EN 439.
The symbol M, for mixed gases, shall be used when the clamification has been performed with the shielding gas EN 439 M2, but without helium. The symbol C shall be used when the clamification has been performed with shielding gas EN 439 – Cl, carbon dioxide.
4.5 Symbol for the chemical composition of wire electrodes
The symbol in table 3 indicates the chemical composition of the wire electrode and includes an indication of characteristic alloying elements.
5 MechanIcal tests
ThnsAle and impact tests and any required retests shall be carried out in the as-welded condition using an all-weld metal test assembly type 3 according to prEN 1597-1 (00121112) using 1,2 mm diameter wire electrode and welding conditions as described below In 5.1 and 5.2.
5.1 Preheating and Interpass temperatures Preheating is not required; welding may start from
room temperature.
The interpass temperature shall be measured using temperature indicator crayons, surface thermometers or thermocouples.
The interpass temperature shall not exceed 250 °C. If, after any pass, this interpass temperature is exceeded, the test assembly shall be cooled in air to a temperature below that limit.
5.2 WeldIng conditions and pass sequence The welding conditions in table 4 shall be used with the pass sequence in table 5.
The direction of welding to complete a layer consisting of two passes shall not vary, but the direction of welding of layers shall be alternated.EN 440-2001 pdf download.
EN 440-2001 pdf download
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