EN 26520-1991 pdf download

07-21-2021 comment

EN 26520-1991 pdf download.Classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welds with explanations.
A.1 This annex is intended:
— for one part, to avoid contusion between the two numbeflng systems regarding the level of Interpretation;
— for the other part, to permit users of the 11W numbering system already being applied to have a tranriition period in which to conform with the numbering system defined in this International Standard.
A.2 The number references of varloui types of crack are given mostly in respect of their location, these being in the weld metal, at the weld junction, ; the heat-effected zone or In the parent metal, so It was dectded to identity systematically Identical locations by the same last digit.
— kngitudiriul g’ravk (in the purunt metul): 1014
— transverse crack (In the parent metal)’: 1024
This has resulted in the following modifications to the Initial number references tor detects in group 1 as proposed by the
A.1 La préeente annexe est desttnée
— d’urie pait. a óviter toute conrus4on 011110 los d.,ux nurnéroffitlons au niveeu de I’lnterprémtlon;
— d’autre part, a perrnettre aux utlUsateurs de La numérotation ectuehlemAnt en vlgueur au aeIn de I’US de disposer d’une période tran&tofre pour se mettre en contormitê evec La numérotatlon d(finio par La prOsonte Normo internatlonale.
A.2 La rarni4rotation des diverses fiwires sa rapporte, dens La plupait doe cas, a ha Localisation do cellos-cl soit dens is metal fondu, sth dens Is ?flflS de liaIson, solt dens is zone ttwmlquement affect&, ou soit dens le metal de bu5e. II a done etC dCcick didcntifier systCmatlquemcnt par le méme numéro terminal, des locations Identiques:
— fissure longitudinalo (dana dans La metal do base):
fissure transvorsale (dans le metal de base): 1024
Ceci 0 (XflldUit è ,no(iefitr VUST1IflO sUit Id iiuniéotataon des défauts du groupe 1, toNe qu’efte avalt Otó proposée par l’IIS.EN 26520-1991 pdf download.

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