EN 2569-1991 pdf download

07-20-2021 comment

EN 2569-1991 pdf download.Aerospace series – Control cable fittings and turnbarrels Technical specification.
This EN 2569 specifies the required characteristics, the qualification and acceptance inspections and tests for:
— end fittings swaged onto control cables;
— cable turnbarrel components;
— cable turnbarrel assemblies.
2 References
ISO 2020. Aerospace — Mechanical system parts — Preformed flexible steel wire rope for aircraft controls — Technical specification.
ISO 2859, Sanzpling procedure’s and tables for inspection by attributes.
ISO 5855.1, Aerospace constructions — .11-I threads — Part 1: General requirements.
ISO 5855-2. Aerospace constructions — M.J threads — Part 2: Limit dimensions bolts and nuts. EN 2000, Aerospace series — Quails’, assurance — EN aerospace products — Apprrwal of the quality system of man ufacturers1 .
EN 2348. Aerospace series — Control cable assemblies — Technical specification.
EN 2353. Aerospace series — Turnbarrels, control cable in corrosion resisting steel — Dimensions and loads. EN 2354, Aerospace series — Eye-ends, threaded, control cable in corrosion resisting steel — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2355, Aerospace series — Fork-ends, threaded, control cable in corrosion resisting steel — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2356, Aerospace series — Fork-ends, threaded, control cable for rolling bearings in corrosion resisting steel — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2357, Aerospace series -— Stud-ends in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2358, Aerospace series — Eye-ends in corrosion resisting steel swuged on type, control cable — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2359. Aerospace series — Fork-ends in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2360, Aerospace series — Fork-ends for rolling hearings in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type. control cable Dimensions and loads.
EN 2361, Aerospace series — Ball-ends, double shank in corrosion resisting steel swaged on type, control cable — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2362, Aerospace series — Ball-ends, in corrosion resisting steel swaged on t,pe. control cable — Dimensions and loads.
EN 2363, Aerospace series — Locking clips for turnhuckles of control cables — Dimensions.
EN 2516. Aerospace series — Passi vat ion of corrosion resistant steels2.
EN 2609. Aerospace series — Turnharrels, control cable in copper-zinc alloy — Dimensions and loads.
3 Definitions
end fittings for swaging onto control cables
defined by standards EN 2357, EN 2358. EN 2359. EN 2360. EN 2361 and EN 2362
cable turnbarrel components
defined by standards EN 2353, EN 2354. EN 2355, EN 2356, EN 2363 and EN 2609
cable turnbarrel assembly
defined as the assembly of the following components:
— turnbarrel;
— locking clip:
— threaded junction parts (2) which can be fork.ends. eye.ends or stud.ends swaged on type. these various assemblies are not the subject of product standards
surface discontinuities
rupture in the material which may extend in all directions and which may be intercrystalline or transcrvstalline in character
open surface defect which is the result from a metallic tearing lap
surface defect caused by folding over metal particles or sharp edges which are then rolled or forged into the surface
unwelded lap which appears as an open defect in the material
production batch
a production batch comprises parts having the same identity block, manufactured in the same production sequence, produced from the same material batch and having undergone together the heat treatments
delivery hatc’h
two cases may arise:
Homogeneous batch made up of one and the same production batch:
The sampling plan is applicable to the whole of the delivery batch.
Heterogenous batch made up of different production batches:
The sampling plan is applicable to each production hatch.
4 Required characteristics, inspection and test methods
See Table 1.
6.4 Customer’s quality control
On receipt of a delivery batch, the customer may carry out the inspections of his choice among those of the Table 9. in order to ensure that the manufactured items correspond to the required level of quality and in order to determine whether the delivery batch is acceptable.
7 Packaging and certificate of conformity
7.1 Packaging
The products shall be packed so as not to be damaged during transport. They shall be protected against humidity, corrosion, stains or other harmful agents.
At least the following information shall appear on the individual paekage
— name of manufacturer;
identity block conforming to the requirements of the product standard;
— date of packaging;
— storage period guaranteed.
In the event of dispatching of a large number of items in a single package, at least the following information shall appear on this package:
— manufacturer’s name:
number of contract or order:
— quantity. i.e. number of items contained in each collective or intermediate package;
— denomination of the item:
— identity block conforming to the requirements of the product standard. 7.2 Certificate of conformity
All deliveries which make reference to this technical specification shall be accompanied by a certificate of conformity issued by the manufacturer.EN 2569-1991 pdf download.

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