EN 202-1991 pdf download

07-21-2021 comment

EN 202-1991 pdf download.Ceramic tiles – Determination of frost resistance.
This EN 202 defines a method of test for evaluating the frost resistance of all ceramic tile, intended for use in condition: of frost In the presence of water.
2 Principle
After impregnation with water the tiles are cycled between +15°C arid — 15 C. All sides of the tiles are exposed to freezing during 50 freeze-thaw cycles.
3 Apparatus
3.1 A drying oven capable of operation at 110 ±5 C.
32 A beI.nce weiqhlnq to 01 % of the mass of a test
3.3 A container for impre9natlon by capillarity or
Imme(*lon with stable horizontal supporti.
3,4 Apparatus fa. impregnation with water after evacuation by means of a vacuum pump capabl. of lowering the air oreisur by 40 ± 2.6 kPs in a tank containing the tiles.
3.5 A freezer capable of freezing at least ter tiles having a minimum total area of 026 m2 supported in suth a menner that the tili shall be separated. Th. freezer ihal) be capable of reducing the temprature to —15 t 3t in 2 h. If the freezer ii automated It shall comply with the lre.zethaw cycling conditions. The temperature shall be as uniform as possible In th. freezer and It shall have air circulation (measured In the empty freezer) with a maximum air velocity of 4 rn/s.
3.6 Chamois leether
3.7 Osm/nerelked rei If water at hardness less than
400 mg/I Ca CO3 + Mg CO, (or equivalent hvd water salts)
at 15°C to 25°C, Is not available.
4 Test specm1ns
4.1 Simple
A minimum a,ea of 0,25 m2 and not less thin 10 boie
tiles shall be used. Th. tile. shall be free from defects.
NO?!. if IIes &th defects hIvO to b tested tte defecti shifl rr4rk.d th a petrnari.nt stein crot to tPi test arid the detect, shah be .asmined aftr testing. R.I.vsnt defects are tI,t#d In EN 90 7.1 I.) uecks, Ib) aeeIn (t) horn, (ml nippd ege arid (ii) nop,d corners.
4.2 Preparation
Dry the tiles in the oven at 110 ± 5 ‘C until constant mau is readied, i.e. when the dlfleiince btween two successive wsihln ;t Intervals of 24 h is leu than 0. I %. Record the dry man of aids tile Cm2).
5 ImpregnatIon wth water
5.1 Progreuls. water impr.gnwtlors by cilIarIty whatever ks. wats absorption
Place the tiles vertically In th. container with no CQflt*Ct between them and no contact with the contsinlr so that one tone side shill be standing on the supports.
Add additional guantit1•s of water at subseauent244our intervals so that a further onefifth of the h.iht shall be immersed each 24 h. With the fifth and final addition of water add sufficient to immersi the tiles under a 50 mm head of water. After the fifth day allow the tiles to remain under water for a further period of 2 days so they shall be fully immersed foe 3 days.
Prepare chamois leather by wetting and wringing out by ‘iand. Place the chamois leather on a fiat surface and lightly dry each side of each tile In turn. Dab relief sirfaces with Jdima eathe1.
Weigh each tile immediately after this procedure. Record the wet mass of each tête (m2 .
5.2 Water Impregnation at atmospheric pressure for tUes with water absorption 6 $
Place the tiles vertically in the container with no contact between them and no contact with the container so that one long side shill be standing on the supports. Add water so as to completely Immerse the tills and allow to stand for 24 h.
Lightly dry the surfac. of each tile with damp chamois leather using the procedure gven in 51. Weigh each tile. Repeat this procedure of natural immersion for further periods of 24 h each until the change In mass between two SljCCe$Sive weighings shalt be less than 01 % of the total mass. Ther. shall be a minimum period of immersion of 3 days.
Record th. wet mass of each tile (ri,2).
5.3 Water impregnation by evacuation for tiles with water absorption> 6%
Place the tiles vertically in the dry vacuum tank with no contact between them and no contact with the vacuum tank. Connect to the vacuum pump end evacuate to a pressure of 40 ± 2,6 kPa below atmospheric pressure and maIntain.EN 202-1991 pdf download.

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