EN 1773-1996 pdf download.Textiles – Fabrics Determination of width and length.
undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appmpnate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incoroporated in it by aniendnient or revision. For dated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 20139 Thx1iks – Ste eden! atm j!u’n’s for conditioninq and tt’stinq
(ISO 139: l9?J)
ISO 10012-I Quality assurance requirenients for m??4’LcUr71lq equnu’nt — Part I: Mr’trvloqical coi(firmation sy.cteni for measu ri rig equ ipmnent
3 Deflrntions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply
3.1 length of piece
The (llsnuwe bvri.een the lwginiung awl 11W CUd of the sample in the lengthwise or machine direction.
3.2 overall width of piece
The distance between the outermost edges of 11w sample nwasured jwrperulicular to the knigiiiidinal edges.
3.3 usable width of piece
The width of the fabric excluding any selvedge nuderials, marks, pin-holes or other non-homogeneous areas of the fabric.
For sonw end LL%e5 or q)c(i&aIioI% the usable wirhli may he delined hffcrcnh1 as agn’ed between the interested panics
4 Principle
A sample of textile fabric. ron(lltloned in the relaxed state in the standard annos-phere for testing, IS lal(1 tall on a smooth surface. A calibrated nile is used to (letenlufle the length and the wulth of the piece. For determination of the length of a sample it may be ncce*sary to measure partial lengths. The total length of the sample then results from the suiti of length of these partial lengths.
6.1 C4ltibmIa’d rule, conforming to ISO 10012-1, and having a length greater than the width of the fabric, graeltuitcd in ziiiflbewth’s.
6.2 Mcasuthig twiNe having a smooth flat surface and a width and length greater than the fabric when placed for nwasurlng. The iahle shall be at least 3 in in length to allow nwasuring of saniples with a length greater than 2 in. Along the two longest parallel sides of the table consecuflve markers are placed at distances of 1 in ± 1 nun.
The distance of the first marker 1mm the neuist end of the table shall be 0,5 in to allow iv positioning of the sample. For long pieces to be nwasured in partial lengths (1w whole piece shall be placed on the table during [1w nwasuremt’nt of the rn(hvl(tual length intervals (see aiuiex A).
7 Atmosphere for conditioning, testing and relaxation
The atmospheres for preconditioning. conditioning and testIng shall be as specified in FN 20139.
The fabric shall be conditioned and measured in the relaxed state. lb ensure the relaxed state, the sample shall be laid out, free or tension, either in us full width, folded down the middle along the length of fabric, or tiibu1ar depending on the make up of the sample.
NOlt An iIhrgrtKrn at huidhng ol fthrk’ a gnat lcnØh i given in annexk
To ensure if the relaxed state Is readied, place preliminaiy markers at two intervals along the fabric. The sample shall be considered aduately relaxed if the ditTerenc’e between length nwasun’menis at tlnw intervals of 24 h is less than 0,25 If knitted fabrics an’ to be tested not as received but after special treatment this shall 1w agreed by the interested parties and shall be stated in the test report.
8 Procedure
8.1 General
The sample shall be laid out flat on the surface of the nieasuring table. The test shall be perfomwd on the fabric as made up in full width or folded down the middle along the length of the fabric or in tubular form. Avoid distortion of 11w fabric in its own plant’.EN 1773-1996 pdf download.
EN 1773-1996 pdf download
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