EN 1740-1998 pdf download.Peformance test’ for prefabricated reinforced components made of autoclaved aerated concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure under predominantly longitudinal load
(vertical components).
For dated references, subsequent aluen(Inwflt.s to or revlsion.S of any of these 1)ubhcations applY to this European Standard only when iflcorp()rate(l in it by
aiuendnwnt or revision. For undated references the’ latest edition of the piIl)hcation refem’d to applies. EN 678, Deter,n ination of di:q density of (lutockived aerated conri’te.
EN 679, Ik’tern? motion of the coin prrssmre stirnqth of (S UkX*lv(’tl aerafrd (Y1??t7YtC.
EN 991, L)eterniiwitmon (I’ (lie (t1?flPHS1OUS of jirw”fahries.i ted irjl(foired (Ynn)o?wnls of (111(0(1(1 ved (1(’lTlfrd (Vileirte (E• lUjlItil’Ciflht (lyg,vqaIe conerrte with open s(n,ctisre.
EN 99’2, Ik?ler?n77iation of (fry densmty of lightweight (Igglvg(Ifr coneivie with open struetu 1V.
EN 1353, [kier,nmna(ion of ,nois(,,iv content of (i utocia z’ed (wmted concrete.
EN 13t4, Deter,n gnat 1011 of (TflflJ)1VSS1SY? strength of’ hghliiv’ight (Iggregate concrete will. ojw,, .si’ruetu iv. prEN 1 52, Prefabricated (V in ponen Is of lights, eight (ujgivqate (Vneivfr .Iith (1J)Cfl structure. prEN 1260’2, Thrfabncoted iv’ufaired (YImponenl.s 0 (sutociarp(i aerale(l (VflCfl-’le.
3 Principle
The componeflt is simply supported at its ends in a vertical position and loaded until collapse by a vertical line load with the required eccentricity with respect to (lit’ phuW of (1w COIflpOIl(’Iit, Hi or(ler to (htefl1Uflh1 the (k’flectlon, cracking behaviour, and the loadi earing capacity.
Alternatively, the support at the bottom of the coml)oneflt may be chosen as a ngid SlIpl)O!t The coflipofleflt may be loaded additionally in a horizontal direction by two line loads acting in the outer qL1uter points of the spui U1(l (hStflbllted over the full Wi(Ith of the component thrOU4II rigid steel sections.
4 Apparatus
a) a device for appIpng the load continuou.sly ajid without shock with an accuracy of 3 %;
b) devices for distributing the 1v?rtical load and, if required, the vertical support reaction uniformly over the width of the component through pivot arrangements consisting of a steel rod, resting in v-shape(l notches of flat steel bars or held otherwise in lateral direction, and two sufficiently stilT loathhstnbution plates, all these parts eXtefl(liflg over the full width of the component (see Figure 1);
c) a device for measuring the horizontal in idspa n deflection to an accuracy of 0,01 mm;
d) (optional) a dei’we for flWQSU ring thC 1V?lliC(1l compression (compressive strain) at niidheight near the vertical edges of both faces of the component over a gauge length of at least. 150 mm to an accuracy of 0,01 mm;
e) a device for vneasurinq the camber (deflection at midspan in unloaded state before testing), if any, to an accuracy of 1 mm;
f) a device for deterin ininq the weigh.t of the component to an accuracy of 396, if required.
5 Test specimens
5.1 Sample
1’he test secu1li•I1 i a 1wfabiieated reinforced component (whole wilt).
It shall be selected in such a manner that ft is representative of the prxluct to be investigated.
5.2 MeaNurement of component Before the load test, the diniensions of the component.
shall be measured according to EN 991 and, if required, its weight shall be detemuned to an accuracy of 3 96. 1’he camber at midspan in unloaded state before testing (e.g. due to non-uniform shrinkage) shall be nicasured to an accuracy of 1 nun while the component is resting without restraint on one of its edges in vertical Ix)sit on.
5.3 Conditioning of component
The component shall not be frozen (hiring the load test, and large temperature and moisture gradients vfl1un the component shall be avoided.
6.1 Temperature conditions
The test may be carried out at any temperamre of the test premises between +5°C and +40 °C. If the temperature differs by more than ±5°C from +20 °C, this shall be indicated in the test report.
6.2 Support. conditions
The supports for the longitudinal load shall be horizontal and extend across the full width of tiw
The load and the reaction forces shall be tnuformly distributed over the width of the component. If the end faces of the component are not sufficiently plane, equalizing layers, e.g. consisting of a gypsum or mortar bed or a layer of soft fibre board, shall be provided between the end faces of the component and the loa(khstnbutlon plates, according to 4b).
If an additional transverse load is applied, the component shall be simply supported at both ends in a horizontal direction, and at least one of the supports (that at the end where the vertical load is applied) shall be moveable in vertical direction.
The actual support conditions (including any equalizing layers) shall be described in the test report.
6.3 Loading arrangement
The longitudinal load shall be applied as a line load acting parallel to the plane of the component and being uniformly distributed over the width, with the required eccentricity e, if any, perpendicular to the plane of the component (see note). Attention shall be paid that any curvature or camber acts in the same sense as the required eccentricity The eccentricity in the plane of the component (in the direction of the width) shall be zero.EN 1740-1998 pdf download.
EN 1740-1998 pdf download
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