EN 16573-2017 pdf download.Ventilation for Buildings – Performance testing of components for residential buildings – Multifunctional balanced ventilation units for single family dwellings, including heat pumps.
6 Performance testing of aerodynamic characteristics
6.1 Leakages
6.1.1 Test method
Pressure testing method applies to classify leakages of the unit as defined In EN 13 141-7.
For internal leakage, if the pressure method is not applicable, e.g. units using recirculation air, the unit shall be tested as category 2 heat exchanger (tracer gas method) in accordance with EN 13 141-7.
6.1.2 RequIrements
To set the declared maximum air volume flow, the declared total pressure shall correspond to 100 Pa, or to a lower total pressure if the intended use declared by the manufacturer is less than 100 Pa.
The declared maximum air volume flow shall be equal to the smaller in case the supply and extract air volume flows are different.
In addition, to assess correctly the thermal performance, aerodynamic characteristics shall be tested before or together with any thermal characteristics testing.
Aerodynamic characteristics shall include:
— external leakage or total recirculated fraction in supply air;
— internal leakage or recirculated fraction from extract to supply air or total recirculated fraction in supply air.
The tests for air flow/pressure curve and thermal performances shall not be made because of measurement uncertainty when leakages according to 6.1.1 are too high. The external and internal leakage of the unit shall comply with Class Al or A2, Hi or B2, Cl or C2 as defined in EN 13 141-7 depending on the test method.
6.2 Air flow/pressure curve
Tests shall be perfornwd according to EN 13 141-7 with the following parameters:
1) Ventilation function only:
That means the heat pump is not operating. Any additional fan is off and any bypass damper is closed (qvoM = 0 and qv RCA = 0) or any other recirculation air flow is off.
2) Ventilation function with additional flow rates:
In case of additional air flow rates for the other functions the pressure curves shall be repeated with different damper positions and/or additional fans speeds (minimum 3 settings in case of stepless control). If the ventilation mode can be set independently from the recirculation mode, then the ventilation setting is the intermediate setting as defined in EN 13141-7 (see Clause 1 above) During this test, pressure at each connection shall respect the repartition of 1/3 on the outside and 2/3 on the inside.
6.3 Reference point (or aerodynamic conditions
For all the thermal tests of the multifunctional Unit, the reference fresh air volume flow point shall be used.
In addition, if the multifunctional ventilation unit is operating with an additional outdoor air flow at the evaporator (heating mode)/condenser (cooling mode) side, this additional air flow rate shall also be specified by the manufacturer.
In addition, if the multifunctional ventilation unit is operating with an additional recirculation air flow at the condenser (heating mode)/evaporator (cooling mode) side, this additional air flow rate shall also be specified by the manufacturer. This situation is possible only if the recirculated air is separated from extract air as the following Figure 1
Extract air is coming from kitchen, toilets, bathroom and shall not be recirculated in the house for hygienic reasons.
The reference fresh air volume flow qv. ref frh point shall be defined at Piud /2 and 70 % of declared maximum air volume flow. If this point cannot be set, pressure shall remain at ptud /2 and airflow shall be adjusted just over (see EN 13141-7).
Depending on the configurations as descripted in Figure 2 to Figure 5 (see 7.2) the reference fresh air volume flow qv. rn fresh, is measured directly or calculated
Maximum air volume flow point shall be adjusted at Pwd and declared maximum air volume flow, without any recirculation. If this point cannot be set, pressure shall be adjusted just over pa,o.
Minimum air volume flow point shall be adjusted at Ptud /2 and declared minimum air volume flow.
6.4 Pressure drop setting
The pressure drop is set in line with EN 13 141-7. Assuming a quadratic relation between volume flow and pressurc drop, the ductwork is designed for a pressure drop of Pwd at qvz. This approximately results in a pressure drop of pwa /2 at 0,7 * qv.,. This pressure is applied 1/3 on the outside and 2/3 on the inside.
Adapted to the described cases, it has to be regarded that there can be varying volume flows coming from the recycling air circuits. In order to compare results with EN 13141-7 and assuming that ductwork is designed for maximum recycling volume flows, pressure at each connection shall be set at the same value with or without recirculation, . An example is given in Table 2.EN 16573-2017 pdf download.
EN 16573-2017 pdf download
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