EN 1484-1997 pdf download.Water analysis — Guklehiws for the detennination of total organic carbon (TOC) and di’cilved organic cathoii ([XE).
2 Normative rcfercncei
Thin Itiniiwan Standard mrA ruirn by dated or unded rrfrnncr pux’au burn othet pubhcaikin Thcne int referrcwcn ar cited — the ag4JnJprllar pbi’rn in 11w text and the pubbcitáonn are listed lwrLafler. For dated n4rence. ,ubnuit anwtwlnwnt to or rvtsaons at any ul thenr pithbcatio apply to this European ilard only when meoqurated In 11 by aniendnwnt or nki. Fur undated rrfnswe 11w bLent edition at the ptdilk’suun nfrmd Lu &iphen
EN 1Sf) rfl67l: bIIifrr quatily — insjdiaq — Pinl . Gudan4r on the pvrrirnt.on and hasidh iq q( *a,npleii
(1SO54367-1: II)
3 Pcflnition
For 11w puqn of thi European t..IZHLUII the following dt4nilluiis apply.
3.1 total carbon (TC)
The num at organically kMIInl and lnuqgameally bound cartxm prenent in waLer. including rknw’ntal cu1m. 3.2 total inorganic carbon (T1(’)
TIw stun at carbon ;wirnl in water, oniiLntlng at elemental carbon, total carbon diox]dc, carbon rnonoxkfr. cyarilde, cyimate, and tM ynnate. TOC mninwnta miy nfrr as TIC only the onginatuig from hydrogen carbonates and attN maWnL
3.3 total organic carbon (T(W)
The suni Ut (JiJU1k2Hy L)OUfld CaIiX*l 1)fl’11t in wahi bonded to dWiulved or strqwnded matter (‘yanale, .4rnwn(aI ea,j.n and th$wyanatr ifl a1o be
3.4 di.moh’rd organIc carbon (DOt’)
The’ mm. at oq(aflwally bound rarbun present in water onInawig from rumpounds which will p a membnuw filter at pore mzc at 0,4!’ m. (nate and thiocyanaic are also nwastarerL
3.5 obtilc organic carbon (‘.OC, P(W) Lndcr the (‘un(htJOflS Ut thin method, purgrabk orgame’ cada (NW).
4 Prlndple
Oxidation of organic cartww (org. C) m watvr Lu cartxn dioxide by iibw4ion, by the addition (1 Wi nppnipnafr oxidani, by IJV mdia*kin or any other high tiwr rwhatkia
The uppbcalkin of the iahniki method with only OX3fl i an oxidant is fl4rWfrd I) low polluted waLrs. r ntainrng low rtscntrdt) )It of TOC. tnui.nfr ciuiiun rrsnowd by acidification and *aqu or drlrnnlnrd twpandrty.
The carbon diu)de funned by oxidation deternuned cIwr dthctly or after ducaon. fur example, to nwtharw ((114).
The flnal kieniunanon of CO, eanied out by a Or lrt procedures. fir rxainpk’ infrared
qJet1nJnwUy. titnation (pn4erbly In non-aLwous silrnun. thrrrnai cundurtMty, rn(hw’tDnwuy, cuukinwtiy. kr sensifiw ensur and flanw kauzation drtcctkift trwd after rvduLjkjn of the CO2. aiming utiwrs. to nwl)uuw
5 Reagcntit
51 General rrmark%
Uts’ only nag.,lts of ncomlzcd anabifral grade.
En this Erinipran Standard. only those ctwmkiik and are b4ed whidb are used with th. majority of TIW IIHIIH$I1L RaIUtCI)L?4 ,4WMd4l be tJW’d orronting to the manitheiiunrs Ua4n tions. and should hr pntnd, II rtizy.
Thi nw of Uw’ ug tl lw (hl1h4)ft IISiII for 1n1ianition of (lie cahhratxjn s wtuds !I1KJUld Lw ,wghgibly low. cuinpand wIth (he loweat TOC ri,nrenlrat)sI to Lw determined.
The nwthud fur water trrahiwnt (k1wfldiI on the eunrentrti(m range tmrkr Invc*lLIon as shown in talle I.
PA flI Fiw mr ItIW1t1b ala ThC cwwrvIUm 0.5 i4. 1% jwrferthfr t iw Wrr 1r lik .id tlw irdijk* lmnirdu4 g1w 10 .iab ( Leblr 1).
5.2 Potaiiidum hydrogen phthalate, stix’k 4imtm. p(oqg. C) 1 000 mgI
[)imolvr tn a 1 (fl) ml unciwuic vultauealc flask 2,L g of potasstum hydnigen philudaic (C11r,KO4) (dfled fur 1 ii at a temwnatmt of between 105C and 120C) in 700 nil of waler, and make :p lo vulunw iith ttrr. The solutk,n is stable fur about 2 months if stared In a tg1dIy slupiwred butile In a reflWtiitar
5,3 Potwdum hydrogen ph(habtc, 4iuwIanl
*)111U4111, p(ui (1 = icrn mgi
lipette 100 ml of tlw potaunI hydnigen pidludate stuck sutuüun (5.2) Into a 1 (X*) ml utw-mark uIumeufr flmk. and make up lu lume with wateri
The soluuon Is stable for about I week If stored in a
t*htIy slupprn’d bottle In a rrftgrratur
5,4 taiida,-d ,u3utlon r.r the determinatIon at
Inorganic carbon, p tnurg. C) – I 000 mgI 1)imolvi’ m a tifl) ml one-mark volumtirfr flask .1.315 g of sodium c’azbonafr (Nie,(T), dfled for 1 h at (l5 ±5) C In nppmxunately 500 ml of water AkI3.500g of suititun hydn,grn IZ1IUIIalI (NuIICO1J (dflrd for2h cwer salk-a gel), and make up to vohinw wtb water.
This solution is stable at main I nv?eraturr for
about 2 weela.
5.5 Suh.itancrs. not readily oxidizable
A standard solution daU 1w used to dwek the
opcP1htJ perfoimaiwe of 11w iv1n
NI lIE bi Ihr mirrbitwa1ay raid. cqwr p habwUsw h brrn ird kw t1u narpa A jdiIr h ‘dkm at eprr iihL1aIuaWr. ,cwx C) = urn 4. riy 1w pre.pn.d
is a I III.) iii) salumrinc fLk O2fd at ea.Jprr hkiiywieero lkmk add Irüxbum ) r dwd is 7111) ml at I .mdr tq lu akui v.lth The …Iuun Ia iaaIk. ir tha 2
WARMNG This rid is toxic.
5.6 Further reagents
5.61 11w riagiiiIs 5.2, 5.4 awl 5.5 may be npkwed by other reagents provided tIwr are std$r tltnnwtnr sub4atwrs.
5.62 Nun volatile aekbi for expelling 11w (ilthAl rhoxwfr, such as phusphuhc aeki. c(II1P04) s 0,5 muLl.EN 1484-1997 pdf download.
EN 1484-1997 pdf download
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