EN 1468-2012 pdf download

07-10-2021 comment

EN 1468-2012 pdf download.Natural stone – Rough slabs – Requirements.
Rough slabs of natural stones may be back reinforced and glued by artificial resins.
The possibility that stone processing is likely to change the characteristics of the raw material (e.g. In consequence of strong bush hammering of the surface, of flaming or heating, of back reinforcing the slabs, or because of the use of artificial patching, fillers or other similar products for natural holes, faults, cracks and similar) shall be considered when determining the characteristics requested by this European Standard.
4.2.2 Denomination
The denomination (traditional name, petrological family, typical colour and place of origin) shall always be declared in accordance with EN 12440.
NOTE The place of origin can be given by GPS coordinates.
The petrographic definition shall be determined in accordance with EN 12407.
4.2.3 Visual appearance
This characteristic shall be declared upon request.
The colour, veining, texture, etc. of the stone shall be identified visually (for example by a polished reference sample). The reference sample shall be provided by the supplier
Any visual variations, for example inclusions and veins, are permissible, provided that they are characteristic of the relevant type of natural stone and piovided that they do not adversely affect the performances of the slabs.
Visible cracks and fissures shall be marked on rough slabs.
4.2.4 Apparent density and open porosity
This characteristic shall always be declared.
The apparent density and open porosity shall be determined using the test method in EN 1936 and the results
expressed accordingly.
4.2.5 Flexural strength
This characteristic shall always be declared.
The flexural strength shall be determined using the test method In EN 12372 or EN 13161, and the mean value, lower expected value and standard deviation shall be declared.
4.2.6 Other requirements
Where required, for example when the denved product is to be used for a specific purpose, additional tests may be requested in accordance with relevant product standard (see EN 1469 [1]. EN 12057 [2). EN 12058 [3), etc.).
5 Marking, packaging
As a minimum of identification, each consignment shall carry the following indications:
the denomination of the natural stone, in accordance with EN 12440;
the mass and the quantities of the rough slabs;
the dimensions (including at least gross and commercial sizes) of the rough slabs. The slabs shall be clean before packaging.
The supplier shall ensure safety against contamination caused by packaging materials, in wet or dry conditions. Packaging and tapes which are likely to stain shall not be used. The sensitive polished surfaces shall be protected by an appropriate means (for example plastic foil). Products with caustic properties shall not be used.
6 Evaluation of conformity and factory production control
6.1 Evaluation for conformity
The compliance with the requirements of this European Standard and with the stated values shall be demonstrated by carrying out initial type testing. Additionally, the manufacturer shall exercise a permanent factory production control (FPC) and keep record of the results for at least 2 years.
The declared values shall be representative of the current production, for example the lowest expected value or the minimum test value in normal production.
For sampling see Annex A.
When the rough slabs manufacturer declares conformity with some characteristics included in a product standard (see EN 1469 (1], EN 12057 [2], EN 12058 (3]. etc.), the evaluation of conformity of the rough slab shall Include initial type testing and factory production control as described in the appropriate product standard.
6.2 InitIal type testing
Initial type testing of a natural stone rough slab, as given In Table 2, shall be carried out
on the first application of this European Standard or at the beginning of production of a new type of stone;
when significant variations occur in the mateflal that are determined visually or by significant changes in FPC results.
Tests previously performed in accordance with the provisions of this European Standard (same type of stone. same characteristic measured with the same test method, same sampling procedure and system of attestation of conformity) may be taken into account.
The declaration of the values may be supported by a “test report” supplied with the block, provided that tests have been performed according to the requirements and test methods of this European Standard.
The results of the selected tests shall be expressed as referred to in 4.2.EN 1468-2012 pdf download.

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