EN 14227-3-2013 pdf download.Hydraulically bound mixtures – Specifications – Part 3 : Fly ash bound granular mixtures.
The objective of production control is to give assurance that the mixture conforms to the specification.
D.2 Quality manual
The manufacturer should establish and maintain his policy and procedures for production control in a quality manual that should Include:
— the manufacturer’s organisational stwcture relating to quality;
— control of constituents and mixtures;
process control, calibration and maintenance;
requirements for the handling and storage of the mixture when appropriate;
— inspection, calibration and control of the measuring equipment in the process, and laboratory testing equipment for the mixture;
procedures for handling non-conforming mixture.
D.3 Organisation
D.3.1 Responsibility and authority
The responsibility, authority and inter-relation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality should be defined in the quality manual, particularly personnel who have authority to identify, record and rectify any mixture quality problems.
D.3.2 Management representative
The manufacturer should appoint a person with appropriate authority, knowledge and experience of production control and to ensure that the requirements of the quality manual are implemented and maintained.
D.3.3 Internal audits
The manufacturer should carry out internal quality audits to verify compliance with the planned arrangements and the effectiveness of the quality system. Audits should be scheduled on the basis of the status and importance ol the activity. The audits and follow up action should be carried out in accordance with documented procedures. The results of the audits should be documented and brought to the attention of the personnel having responsibility in the area audited. The management personnel responsible for the area should take timely corrective action on the deficiencies found by the audit and should keep a record of the action taken.
The production control system should be reviewed at appropriate intervals by management to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness. Records of such reviews should be maintained.
D.3.5 Sub-contract services
Where any services are supplied from outside the manufacturer’s resources, means of control should be established.
0.3.6 Records
The production control system should contain adequately documented procedures and instructions.
The intended frequencies of tests and inspections by the manufacturer should be documented and the results of tests and inspections recorded.
Sampling location, date and time, as well as details of the mixture or constituents tested, should be recorded together with any other relevant information.
Where the constituent or mixture examined does not satisfy the requirements of the appropriate specification and this standard, records should be kept of corrective actions taken to ensure the quality of the mixture is maintained.
Records should be kept in such a way that they are retrievable and be retained for the period stated in the quality manual, usually a minimum of three years or longer if legally required.
0.3.7 Training
The manufacturer should establish and maintain procedures for the training of all personnel involved in activities affecting quality. Personnel performing specific assigned tasks should be suitably qualified on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience, as required. Training records should be kept.
D.4 Control procedures
0.4.1 Production management
The production control system should contain the following:
a) the composition of the mixture to be produced:
b) procedures to adjust mixture composition;
C) procedures to ensure that constituents comply with requirements;
The composition of the mixtures should be established from a laboratory mixture design procedure intended to ensure the mixture should have properties conforming to the relevant standard.
Where applicable, the composition of regularly produced mixtures will be included in a catalogue of mixtures compositions and considered as the mixture baseline or target composition.
The compositions should be re-established in case of significant change in constituents and should be reviewed periodically to ensure the mixture conforms to requirements taking account any change in properties of constituents.
D.4.3 Constituents
Documentation should detail the source and type of each Constituent of the mixture for use at the production location.
Adequate supplies of constituent should be available to ensure that the planned rates of production and delivery can be maintained.
The specifications for incoming constituents should be established and communicated to suppliers by means of written orders.
The control procedures should check that constituents are capable of providing the required quality.
Constituents should be transported and stored in such a manner as to avoid intermingling, contamination or deterioration that may affect the quality of the product.
D.4.4 Process control
The quality manual should include:
— a description of equipment and installation:
a description of the flow of constituents and the processes carried out on them. If appropriate, this should
incorporate a flow diagram:
a schedule for monitoring the performance of the process (manual or automatic systems), including a
record of equipment performance against the stated tolerances.
D.4.5 Inspection, calibration and control of process equipment
The quality manual should identify items of measuring devices that require calibration and the frequency of such calibration.EN 14227-3-2013 pdf download.
EN 14227-3-2013 pdf download
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