EN 14187-3-2017 pdf download

07-08-2021 comment

EN 14187-3-2017 pdf download.Cold applied joint sealants – Test methods – Part 3:Determination of self-levelling properties.
This EN 14187-3 describes a test method for determination of the self-levelling properties of cold applied normal and fuel resistant joint sealants for concrete pavements to be used in roads, airfields and other traflIcked areas.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 6927, Buildings and civil engineering works Sealants – Vocabulary (ISO 6927)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 6927 apply.
4 Principle
The self-levelling properties of cold applied joint sealants are determined by pouring into moulds in horizontal and inclined positions.
5 Apparatus and materials
5.1 Mixing baker from polyethylene with a content of 250 ml.
5.2 Flat bladed spatula.
5.3 Mould (Figure 1) consisting of a channel with both ends closed and internal dimensions of
(20 ± 1) mm wide, (25 ± 1) mm deep and (300 ± 1) mm long. The channel shall be made of 1 mm to
2 mm thick aluminium, steel or plastic.
5.4 Wedge shaped pieces for positioning the mould in a horizontal position using a spirit level and at a (2,5 ± 0.1) % slope with the level plane.
5.5 Micrometer, capable of measurement to 100 im, fitted with a ratchet.
Other means of measuring this difference in depth are acceptable providing they are of equal accuracy.
6 Conditioning
Condition the mixing baker (5.1), moulds (5.3). flat bladed spatula (5.2) and supplies of sealant samples in a refrigerated environment at (5 ± 2) °C for the test in the horizontal plane and at (23 ± 2) °C for the test in inclined position for a period of 16 to 24 h.
7 Procedure
7.1 General
For multi-component cold applied joint sealants, thoroughly mix appropriate quantities of base component with curing agent in the mixing baker following the manufacturer’s instruction within 2 mm. One-component sealants can be applied directly from the pack.
7.2 Determination of self-levelling properties using a horizontal mould at (5 ± 2) °C
7.2.1 Pour the sealant into the mould in one continuous pour for 30 s along the axis of the mould at a height between 70 mm and 100 mm. Allow the material to flow freely to within 5 mm of the top of the mould.
7.2.2 Transfer the mould (see 5.3) immediately after filling, without vibration, to the refrigerated environment at (5 ± 2) °C and position In a horizontal plane using the spirit level (5.3) and leave to cure 48hat(5±2)°C.
7.2.3 Transfer the mould (5.3) to the micrometer (5.5). Set the probe in the channel at a convenient height above the sealant and zero the test equipment. Measure the depth of the sealant surface below the zero datum midway between the sides of the channel to an accuracy of ± 0,2 mm at the centre point of the mould and at points 25 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm and 125 mm on either side of the centre point.
7.2.4 Subtract the highest reading from the lowest reading and record the difference to the nearest
0,5 mm.
7.3 Determination of self-levelling properties using a mould inclined at 2,5 % slope at
(23 ± 2) °C
7.3.1 Position the mould conditioned at (23 ± 2) °C horizontally using the spirit level (5.3). Apply the sealant to the mould as described in 7.2. but in this case overfill the mould and strike off the surplus material level to the mould edges using the flat bladed spatula.
7.3.2 Transfer the mould (5.3) immediately after filling and with a minimum of vibration in the environment capable of maintaining the test specimen at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity and position at the (2,5 ± 0,1) % slope. Leave to cure for 24 h at (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity.
7.3.3 As described in 7.2.3 measure the depth below an arbitrary datum at two points 20 mm from either end of the mould, each measurement midway between the channel sides.
7.3.4 Subtract the highest reading from the lowest reading and record the difference to the nearest
0,5 mm.
8 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) reference to this European Standard;
b) name and type of the cold applied joint sealant;
c) batch of sealant from which the test specimens were produced;
d) test results;
e) any deviations from the specified test conditions;
f) date of test.EN 14187-3-2017 pdf download.

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