EN 1398-2009 pdf download

07-14-2021 comment

EN 1398-2009 pdf download.Dock levellers – Safety requirements.
NOTE 1 This is to make available a minimum safety width on each side of transport equipment. NOTE 2 The width of a dock leveller should correspond to the width 01 the loading surface of the loading vehicle. Reduced width
As an exception the minimum width of 1.25 m may be reduced if facilities at the operators premises make this necessary and the operator takes measures to prevent persons or transport equipment falling. This may be fulfilled if e. g.
a) transport equipment is guided onto the dock leveller and the operating personnel can use an area in the middle of the leveller or
b) dock levellers are used for access to doors in vehicles or buildings which are less than 1.25 m in width and precautions against falling have been taken (e. g. the gap between the dock and vehicle is less than 020 m).
5.2.5 Support In the stored position
Dock levellers which are attached to ramp edges and folded upwards in the unused position shall be equipped with automatically operating and positively engaged mechanical devices to prevent them from falling down. e. g. hooks, bolts or bars.
These devices shall withstand the load resulting of the dead load of the dock leveller in the stored position, of the wind force as given In 5.1 .2.2.4 and of the impact load given In The device shall be so designed that it cannot be disengaged unintentionally.
Dock levellers which are integrated into traffic areas shall be so designed that they form a level surface in the stored position with their neighbouring surfaces and shall be automatically supported. In the stored position the same loads as in the operation position shall be considered.
5.2.6 Tripping hazards
Dock levellers shall be designed so that they do not cause a tripping hazard in the traffic area for loading.
Dock levellers, supported on the loading surface of a vehicle, shall automatically adjust to height changes (free floating condition) during the loading operation.
Tripping hazards between dock levellers and vehicle loading surfaces which occur if the vehicle loading surface is tilted along its longitudinal axis shall be prevented, for example by means of
a) sufficient torsional flexibility of the dock leveller by itself; dock levellers exceeding 1,75 m in platform length shall have a minimum torsional flexibility of 3 % of the platform width measured at the front edge of the extended lip. or
b) hinged lips which automatically adapt themselves to the lateral angle of the vehicle loading surface. NOTE Full contact support of dock levellers on vehicle loading surfaces reduces noise generation when using the
dock leveller.
5.2.7 Prevention of an unsupported operational position
Manual operated dock levellers which are installed in traffic areas shall be designed so that, when unloaded, they cannot remain in the near horizontal position unless they are supported. A difference in height of max 100 mm to the supported position, measured at the front edge, is permitted.
A near horizontal position is a position with a maximum vertical distance of 50 mm between dock plate and the level of the traffic area, measured at the front edge of the dock leveller.
5.2.8 PreventIon of unintentional movement
Dock levellers shall be designed to prevent unintentional movement during the loading operation.
Manually operated dock levellers shall be so designed that they cannot leave their supported position on the
vehicle during the loading process.
5.2.9 Crushing and shearing hazards
Crushing and shearing hazards at dock levellers, between dock levellers and neighbouring surfaces and between dock levellers and the vehicle loading surface shall be avoided or, if unavoidable, shall be safeguarded.
Crushing and shearing hazards between the edges of installed dock levellers and the neighbouring traffic areas shall be avoided e.g. by using rigid side panels (see Figure 5 a).EN 1398-2009 pdf download.

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    • Shaun Ng Shaun Ng @Reply

      Hi there. How would I be able to download EN 1398 standard?