EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download

07-16-2021 comment

EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download.Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Part 1: Basic method and req itirements.
4.3 Specific explosive atmospheres
The equipment may be tested for a specific eAplosive atmosphere. In this case it shH be marked accordnqly.
5 General
5. 1 General requirements
Cquipmert for use in potentially explosive atmospheres shall compii 6h the requirements of this [uropean Standard and, if relevant, modified by the specific European Standards for the type(s) of ignition protection
All intended service conditions for the equipment (e.g righ hanclhng. humw1y effects ambient temperature arid pressuie variatiq.iis. efFects u( cheiiiial aqeitis. wuosioii. vibidluil) shall be specified by the manufautuier and included in the requved instructions for use (see clause 15).
If equipment is de’gned and constructed according to good engineering practice and the ignition hazard assessment ensures that the equipment does not contain any effective ignition sources in normal operation. the equipniei1 caii be dassilied as category 3 ecuipmeIil
Similarly where the ignition hazard assessment ensures that the equipment does not contain any effective ignition sources during expected malfunctions or rare malfunctions, the equipment may be classified as category 2 or category 1 equipment respectively.
5.2 Ignition hazard assessment
5.2.1 Formal analysis
All equipment and aft parts of it shall be subjected to a formal documented haiarcl analysis that identifies and lists dli UI the pojeiltidI suuiue of iq,iiliun by the eguipnieiit dud the iiiesu,e Lu be dpphed Lu p,eve,iL Lbeiii becomng cffcctvc. Examples of such sources include hot surfaces, naked flames. hot gascs/I;quids, mechanically generated sparks, adiabatic compression. shock waves, eothermic chemical reaction, thermite reactions, self ignition of dust. electrical arcing and static electricity discharge.
Protective measures/types of protect.on shall be considered and/or applied in the following order. ensure that ignition sources cannot ar:se:
ensure that ignition sources cannot become effective:
– – prevent explosive atmosphere reaching the ignition source:
contain the e,plosion and pevent flame popaqation.
hi the td of Gioup I, cLuiy Ml equipiiiii1 Li, dssiiieiI1 l1dli list dli vi the puiieLil iqnitiuii sou,
arc cithcr cffccth,c or hkcly to bccornc cffcctivc. takir.g account of thc nccd to havc a vcry high lcvcl of protection and the fact that category Ml equipment s required to be either safe with two faults applied or protected by two independent means of protection. The assessment sha[ indicate this by showing either a type or iqiiitioii joLei.,Liu,i LIIdL pwvtiiLs iqiiit.ni u,ed, two fault i.uII4JiLioi,s ye kiiLiiyiie Lice twu icidepecedeict mcasurc3 to prcvcnt thc ignition u3cd according to th13 3tandard and to the ignition protcction standard3 listod in the scope of this standard which have been applied.
In the case of Group I. category M2 equipment. the assessment shall list all of the potential ignition sources that are oithor effoctive or likely to become effoctive, in normal operation. It shall also list those sources whoro thy risk ft them hemming Attective c.nnnt he elisrecjarrffil by virtue nt the eqiupment heing designed to he de-energizeii in the event of au explosive atmosphere occurring. The assessment shall indicate the measures to pcevent the ignition used according to thas standard and to the ignition protection standards listed in the scope of this standard which have been applied to render such ignition sources ineffective during the period from the nwiirrenr.e nt the expkisive atmosphere its detectrn and the dle.energi7atinn ot the equipment
5 23 Assessment for equipment Group II
Ip the c.ac of catcgory I cquipmcnt, the h3t 3haH include all potcntial ignition sources that are effective or may become effective during expected malfunction and rare malfunction. It shall also indicate the measures to prevent the ignitiOn used aetruiung to this standard and to the ignition prntectinn standards listed in the scooe of this standard, which have been aoolied. Cateoorv I eouipment shall not have an lanitlon source that is effective or may become effective in normal operation.
in the case of category 2 equipment. the lest shall include all potential ignition sources that are effective or may bone elree.t,ve duieng ucue nal opeedlion and epeUed malfunction. II shall also indicale Lhe icasuies to prevent the ignition used according to this standard and to the ignition protection standards listed in the scope of this standard which have been applied
5.2 3.3
In the case of category 3 equipment. the list shall include all potential ignition sources that are effective or may become offoctivo during normal operation. it shall also indicate the measures to prevent the ignition used art yrlenej to this standard arid to the ignition protection s lards listed in the scope of this standard which have been aophed.
5.24 Assessment with faults.EN 13463-1-2001 pdf download.

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