EN 13451-10-2014 pdf download

07-09-2021 comment

EN 13451-10-2014 pdf download.Swimming pool equipment – Part 10: Additional specific safety
requirements and test methods for diving platforms, diving springboards and associated equipment.
4.3.5 Clearance zones
Clearance zones shall comply with E, F and G of Table 4 and with Figure 5. For safety barriers within the
clearance zone, see 4.5.
4.4 Means of access
4.4.1 General
DMng platforms and springboards Type 1 shall be accessible by suitable stairs, by stepladders or by ramps. supplemented in some cases by lifts that do comply with relevant official regulations. Ladders are not allowed.
Springboards Type 2 with the board height 500 mm ≤ h ≤ 700 mm from the pool surround shall be fitted with one step at a height ≤ 400 mm. Springboards type 2 higher than 700 mm shall be fitted with stepladders or stairs.
NOTE 1 Preferred height of the step = 1/2 of height of the springboard from the pool surround.
When the diving facilities are closed, the access shall be suitably prevented.
NOTE 2 By use of stairs side access is preferred.
4.4.2 Stepladders for diving facilities
Stepladders may be used only for diving platforms and diving boards for distances in height ≤ 3 m, and shall have an inclination between 60° and 75° with the floor.
The stepladders (see Figure 10) shall have handrails on both sides, at a distance ≤ 700 mm, having the same inclination of the stepladder Itself, and a clearance to the front edge of the steps between 120 mm and 180 mm. When stepladders lead to a height where safety barriers are required, their handrails shall merge into them.
For the dimensions of the parts designed to be gripped, see 4.1.3 of EN 13451-2:2001.
The treads of stepladders shall have a depth between 70 mm and 250 mm, and the maximum vertical distance between the top surfaces of two adjacent treads shall be 250 mm. The clear opening between two adjacent treads shall be minimum 110 mm. The front edge of any upper tread and the back edge of the adjacent lower tread shall overlap.
The slip resistance for the stepladders should be In accordance with the relevant European Standard (see
EN 13451-1).
Water diving zones for the different heights of diving springboards Type 1 and 2 shall comply with the dimensions given in Table 4 and Figure 5.
Crossing the water zones of adjacent diving facilities for reaching the egress shall be prevented. NOTE This can be achieved, e.g. by installation of pool ladders on the opposite side.
In multifunctional pools, during the use of diving facilities the related water diving zones shall be segregated and access to other users shall be prevented, e.g. by floating lines or other physical means and/or supervision.
4.8 AgItation of water surface
Water surface agitation devices shall not interfere with the dives.
NOTE Commonly used devices are: water spray onto the surface, stream of air released from the pool floor.
Fittings for water/air introduction, installed within the pool, shall comply with EN 13451.3.
4.9 Air cushion equipment
4.9.1 Air inlets
The installation of the air inlet system of an air cushion shall comply with the mm. water depth stated for the various diving facilities, see Table 2 and Table 4.
The air inlet system shall comply with the safety requirements of EN 13451.3.
4.9.2 Operating console
The equipment shall be operated from a location with full view over the diver and the complete diving zone. Self-operation by the diver is not allowed. The unauthorized use of the equipment shall be suitably prevented.
The operating console shall be fitted with indicators showing that the unit is ready for operation and that there is enough air in the tank for at least one complete cycle. There shall be a device to allow the operator to control the duration of the air cushion effect.
If the air cushion equipment is fitted with air inlets for different platforms and springboards, the inlet set for operation shall be obviously displayed. During selection of the inlet, the use of the equipment shall be prevented.
The air cushion equipment should be operated only by a competent and trained supervisor, trained on the basis of a full operation manual, emphasizing the potential hazards.EN 13451-10-2014 pdf download.

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